
Equipment is a category of additional systems, parts, and components that can improve a vehicle's combat characteristics and reduce its weaknesses.


Standard Equipment

This basic type of equipment can be purchased with the in-game currency: credits. It can also be awarded for certain achievements and during events. It is divided into several classes and categories.

  • Equipment Classes
  • Equipment and Slot Categories

Standard equipment is divided into three classes, depending on its cost and the vehicle tier on which it can be mounted. The higher the equipment class, the higher the cost. A vehicle's tier largely determines the class of equipment that can be mounted on it:

  • Tier II–IV vehicles, as well as some Tier V+ vehicles, allow Class 3 equipment to be mounted.
  • Tier V–VII vehicles, as well as some Tier VIII+ vehicles—Class 2 equipment.
  • Tier VIII–X vehiclesClass 1 equipment.

The exceptions are Camouflage Net and Spall Liner.

Camouflage Net is available in two variations: Class 3 can be mounted on Tier II–IV vehicles, while Class 2 can be mounted on Tier V–X vehicles.

Spall Liner does not have classes. Instead, four different versions are available, each suitable for certain vehicle types and tiers, as follows:

  • Light: Tier V–X light tanks, as well as light tank destroyers or SPGs based on an LT chassis.
  • Medium: Tier V–VII heavy tanks, as well as Tier V–X medium tanks and medium tank destroyers or SPGs on an MT chassis.
  • Heavy: Tier VIII–X heavy tanks, as well as tank destroyers or SPGs under 75 tons.
  • Superheavy: Tier VIII–X heavy tanks, as well as tank destroyers or SPGs weighing 75 tons or more.

In addition to classes, standard equipment is divided into the following four categories, each of which improves one of the vehicle's characteristics:


Each type of standard equipment is assigned to the category that it affects.

This does not include Improved Rotation Mechanism, which corresponds to two categories (Firepower and Mobility), and Improved Ventilation, which corresponds to all four.

Equipment is placed in slots that become available starting from Tier II vehicles. The number of available slots depends on the vehicle's tier.

Starting from Tier VI, a specific category is assigned to the first slot based on the vehicle type. If the equipment's category corresponds to the category of the slot in which it is placed, the equipment provides an increased bonus to your vehicle. If the categories don't match or the slot doesn't have a category, the unit of equipment provides its standard effect.

Light tanks
Medium tanks
Heavy tanks
Tank destroyers, SPGs

Select an equipment category tab to see more details about the effect and cost of certain equipment. In the equipment description, the first value is the standard effect and the second value is the increased effect (when the equipment and slot categories match).
Improved Ventilation
+5% / +6% to all crew skills
Class 3:
Class 2:
Class 1:
Gun Rammer
−10% / −11.5% to loading time
Class 2:
Class 1:
Enhanced Gun Laying Drive
+10% / +11.5% to aiming speed
Class 3:
Class 2:
Class 1:
Vertical Stabilizer
−20% to dispersion during vehicle movement and traverse
Class 2:
Class 1:
Improved Aiming
−5% / −7% to the aiming circle size
Class 3:
Class 2:
Class 1:
Improved Rotation Mechanism
+10% / +12.5% to turret traverse speed or gun traverse speed for vehicles with stationary cabins
+10% / +12.5% to vehicle traverse speed
−10% / −12.5% to dispersion during vehicle movement and traverse, as well as during turret rotation
Class 2:
Class 1:
Improved Ventilation
+5% / +6% to all crew skills
Class 3:
Class 2:
Class 1:
Spall Liner
−50% / –60% to HE-shell damage absorbed by armor, as well as ramming damage
+50% / +60% to protection of the crew from injuries
−10% / –15% to stun duration
−20% / –25% to additional stun duration if the vehicle is already stunned
Improved Hardening
 Effect: fully restores suspension hit points after repairs.
+8% / +10% to vehicle hit points
+50% / +65% to suspension durability
+15% / +20% to suspension repair speed
+10% / +10% to suspension load capacity
−50% / −65% to hull damage caused by suspension damage during impact
Class 3:
Class 2:
Class 1:
Modified Configuration
 Effect: prevents one fuel tank fire, ammo rack explosion, and engine destruction in a battle upon the destruction of these modules.
+25% / +35% to repair speed
+100% / +150% to ammo rack, fuel tank, and engine durability
−50% / −65% to the loading speed penalty and loss of engine power upon the damaging of modules
−50% / −65% to the chance of engine fire
Class 2:
Class 1:
Improved Ventilation
+5% / +6% to all crew skills
Class 3:
Class 2:
Class 1:
Additional Grousers
+15% / +20% to vehicle traverse speed
+10% / +15% to maintaining speed when moving across any terrain type
Class 3:
Class 2:
Class 1:
Improved Rotation Mechanism
+10% / +12.5% to turret traverse speed or gun traverse speed for vehicles with stationary cabins
+10% / +12.5% to vehicle traverse speed
−10% / −12.5% to dispersion during vehicle movement and traverse, as well as during turret rotation
Class 2:
Class 1:
+7.5% / +10% to engine power
+4 km/h / +5 km/h to top forward speed
+2 km/h / +3 km/h to top reverse speed
Class 3:
Class 2:
Class 1:
Improved Ventilation
+5% / +6% to all crew skills
Class 3:
Class 2:
Class 1:
Binocular Telescope
+25% / +27.5% to view range of a stationary vehicle (up to 445 m)
Class 3:
Class 2:
Class 1:
Camouflage Net
Increases the concealment of a stationary vehicle:
+5% / +7.5%
+10% / +12.5%
+15% / +17.5%
Class 3:
Class 2:
Low Noise Exhaust System
Increases the concealment of a stationary or moving vehicle:
+3% / +4%
+6% / +8%
+5% / +6%
Class 3:
Class 2:
Class 1:
Coated Optics
+10% / +11.5% to view range (up to 445 m)
Class 3:
Class 2:
Class 1:
Improved Radio Set
+1.5 s / +2 s to the duration an enemy vehicle is visible to you
−1.5 s / −2 s to the duration your vehicle is visible to the enemy
Commander's Vision System
−15% / −20% to concealment of enemy vehicles behind foliage
−10% / −12.5% to concealment of moving enemy vehicles

Improved Equipment

This valuable equipment can be purchased with bonds, and its characteristics are better than those of standard equipment—even when the latter has been placed in the appropriate slot. As a downside, improved equipment is not tied to any of the four equipment categories, meaning that it will not receive any additional bonuses from being placed in a specialized slot.

Venting System
+8.5% to all crew skills
Stabilizing Equipment System
−27.5% to dispersion during vehicle movement and traverse
Innovative Loading System
−13.5% to loading time
Wear-Resistant Gun Laying Drive
+13.5% to aiming speed
Experimental Optics
+13.5% to view range (up to 445 m)
Improved Compressor
+12.5% to engine power
+6 km/h to top forward speed
+4 km/h to top reverse speed
Improved Configuration
 Effect: prevents one fuel tank fire, ammo rack explosion, and engine destruction in battle upon destruction of these modules.
+45% to repair speed
+150% to ammo rack, fuel tank, and engine durability
−70% to loading speed penalty and loss of engine power upon damage to modules
−70% to engine fire probability
Increased Shell Resistance
 Effect: fully restores suspension hit points after repairs.
+12.5% to vehicle hit points
+75% to suspension durability
+30% to suspension repair speed
+10% to suspension load capacity
−75% to hull damage caused by suspension damage during impact
Stealth Exhaust Unit
+6-10% to concealment increase, whether vehicle is stationary or moving
(effectiveness depends on vehicle type)
Innovative Targeting
−9% to the aiming circle size
Improved Final Drive
+17.5% to turret traverse speed or gun traverse speed for vehicles with stationary cabins
+17.5% to hull traverse speed
−17.5% to dispersion during vehicle movement and traverse, as well as during gun traverse and after firing

Bounty Equipment

This is a special line of items available through various in-game events such as the Battle Pass. Initially, it has the parameters of standard equipment, but can be improved for credits.

Bounty Equipment is not tied to any of the four categories, which means it will not benefit from specialized slots. However, it can be upgraded and its bonuses are greater than those received by placing standard equipment in its corresponding slot.

Bounty Aiming
−5% / −8% to aiming circle size
Bounty Rammer
−10% / −12.5% to loading time
Bounty Gun Laying Drive
+10% / +12.5% to aiming speed
Bounty Optics
+10% / +12.5% to view range (up to 445 m)
Bounty Stabilizer
−20% / −25% to dispersion during movement and turret rotation
Bounty Ventilation
+5% / +7.5% to all crew skills
Bounty Rotation Mechanism
−10% / −15% to dispersion during vehicle movement and traverse, as well as during turret rotation
+10% / +15% to hull and turret traverse speed
Bounty Turbocharger
+7.5% / +12% to engine power
+4 km/h / +5 km/h to top forward speed
+2 km/h / +3 km/h to top reverse speed
Bounty Protection Technology
 Effect: prevents one fuel tank fire, ammo rack explosion, and engine destruction in battle upon destruction of these modules.
+25% / +40% to repair speed
+100% / +150% to ammo rack, fuel tank, and engine durability
−50% / −70% to loading speed penalty and loss of engine power upon damage to modules
−50% / −70% to engine fire probability
Bounty Exhaust System
 Effect: increases concealment of a stationary or moving vehicle.
+6% / +9% for Light and Medium Tanks
+5% / +7% for Tank Destroyers
+3% / +5% for Heavy Tanks and Self-Propelled Guns
Bounty Hardening
 Effect: fully restores suspension hit points after repairs.
+8% / +11% to vehicle hit points (rounded up)
+50% / +70% to suspension durability
+15% / +25% to suspension repair speed
+10% / +10% to suspension load capacity
−50% / −70% to hull damage caused by suspension damage during impact

Experimental Equipment

This equipment type combines two or more characteristics of the other types of equipment in the game. Experimental Equipment can be obtained by completing combat missions, participating in certain events. While previously unavailable for purchase, players can now occasionally acquire Experimental Equipment in bundles. This equipment cannot be destroyed, but it can be disassembled for free. In return, you will receive components that can be used to upgrade or demount it.

Mobility Improvement System
+5% / +6% / +8% to engine power
+4% / +5% / +6% to turret traverse speed or gun traverse speed for vehicles with stationary cabins
+4% / +5% / +6% to hull traverse speed
−4% / −5% / −6% to dispersion during vehicle movement and on hull and turret traverse
+4 / +4 / +5 km/h to top speed
+2 / +3 / +3 km/h to reverse speed
Survival Improvement Suite
 Effect: fully restores suspension hit points after repairs.
+6% / +7% / +9% to vehicle durability
+50% / +70% / +100% to ammo rack, fuel tank, and engine durability
+30% / +40% / +50% to suspension durability
+10% / +15% / +20% to suspension repair speed
−30% / −40% / −50% to the loading speed penalty and loss of engine power upon the damaging of modules
Fire-Control System
+6% / +7% / +9% to aiming speed
−7% / −9% / −11% to dispersion during vehicle movement and on hull and turret traverse
Accuracy Improvement System
−5% / −6% / −7% to aiming circle size
+3% / +4% / +5% to aiming speed

Learn more about Experimental Equipment rules


Equipment Mounting

Equipment is placed in slots that become available starting from Tier II vehicles. The number of available slots depends on the vehicle's tier.

To mount a piece of equipment:

  1. Select a vehicle, then click any empty equipment slot above the vehicle panel. Hover your mouse over an item to learn more about its characteristics.
  2. Select the equipment and click Apply. The equipment is purchased and automatically mounted on your vehicle. It is then displayed in one of your vehicle's equipment slots.

You can't mount multiple pieces of equipment that have the same effect, regardless of the equipment type.

Quick Service

You can equip your vehicle manually or use Quick Service, which is a fast and convenient automated option for vehicles of Tier III and higher. It gives you access to a list of recommended equipment, consumables, ammunition, and even preset styles.

Quick Service offers two equipment setups:

  • Standard: This is the most optimal configuration of standard equipment for the selected vehicle. You will be suggested to use items from the Depot or purchase equipment for credits.
  • Advanced: This setup suggests an improved version of the first setup. This configuration is available only if you have advanced options for at least one of the suggested standard equipment items, such as improved or Experimental equipment.
    You can also rearrange equipment between slots to take full advantage of slot specializations.

Quick Service is primarily designed for unfamiliar vehicles—whether it's one that has just been researched or a freshly unwrapped Premium vehicle.

To quickly prepare your vehicle for battle:

  1. In your Garage, click the Quick Service button above the vehicle panel.
  2. Select one of the suggested setups and rearrange the order of the items, if necessary. If some of the equipment needs to be bought, or there is already some equipment on the vehicle that has to be replaced, the price of the purchase and demounting cost will be displayed.
  3. Click Apply.

Upgrading Equipment

Bounty and Experimental Equipment are the only two types of equipment that can be upgraded. Bounty Equipment can only be upgraded once, while Experimental Equipment can be upgraded from Levels I to III.

  • Bounty Equipment upgrade
  • Experimental Equipment upgrade
  1. In your Garage, click any equipment slot above the vehicle panel.
  2. Go to the Bounty tab, select an equipment type, and click (Upgrade).
  3. On the screen displayed, click Upgrade to confirm. The required number of credits will be withdrawn from your account.

You can also upgrade any Bounty Equipment stored in the Stock section of the Depot. Right-click the Bounty Equipment item and select Upgrade in the menu displayed.

  1. In your Garage, click any equipment slot above the vehicle panel.
  2. Go to the Experimental tab, select the equipment type, and click (the current level of the equipment will be displayed).
  3. On the screen displayed, click Upgrade to confirm. The required number of components will be withdrawn from your account.


Components Required for Upgrades
Level I → II Level II → III
Fire-Control System 400 2,000
Mobility Improvement System



Survival Improvement Suite



Accuracy Improvement System



  • The combined effect of Tier I equipment is equal to that of standard equipment.

  • Tier II is upgraded Bounty Equipment.

  • Tier III is improved equipment (which is purchased for bonds).

An upgraded unit of unmounted Experimental Equipment will not be mounted on a vehicle automatically. Don't forget to mount it yourself before battle!

Disassembling Equipment

Experimental Equipment is the only type of equipment that can be disassembled. Disassembling equipment gives you components. The exact number you will receive depends on the upgrade level of the disassembled gear, as per the table below:

Equipment Components Acquired from Disassembly
Level I Level II Level III
Fire-Control System 100 400 1,600
Mobility Improvement System 100 400 1,600
Survival Improvement Suite 100 400 1,600
Accuracy Improvement System 100 400 1,600

Equipment Demounting

All equipment types can be demounted:

  • Standard and Bounty Equipment — for gold or with a Demounting Kit;
  • Improved equipment — for bonds;
  • Experimental Equipment — for gold or with a Demounting Kit, and then for components.

Demounting Kit

Demounting Kits allow you to demount one piece of equipment for free. Kits are spent upon activation and can be obtained as rewards for completing Daily Missions.

Received or purchased Demounting Kits are permanently stored in the Depot. You can view your available Demounting Kits via the Consumables tab in the Stock section.

Please note that Demounting Kits cannot be sold.

To demount your equipment with a Demounting Kit, do the following:

  1. In your Garage, select the vehicle from which you want to demount equipment, then click the necessary equipment slot.
  2. Click (Demount).
  3. In the confirmation window, select Demounting Kit, and then Demount.

One Demounting Kit will be spent, and the demounted equipment will be sent to the Depot. You can mount the demounted equipment on another vehicle.

The demounting requirements for Experimental Equipment depend on its upgrade level. The amount of resources required is as follows:

  • Level I: 1 Demounting Kit or 10

  • Level II: 50 components

  • Level III: 100 components
