

Consumables are items that improve characteristics, repair modules, and heal crew members of a vehicle in battle. Consumables are cheaper than equipment and work for any vehicle, but, if used in combat, they are gone at the end of the battle and have to be resupplied.

Types of Consumables

Consumables come in two forms: Standard Consumables and Improved Consumables. 

You can carry up to three different consumables in a single tank. While you cannot carry two identical consumable items, you can carry a Standard consumable and its premium counterpart, e.g., the Small Repair Kit and Large Repair Kit. By default, consumables are activated by pressing keys 4, 5, or 6, depending on the consumable desired (unless the hot keys have been remapped).

Standard consumables improve battle performance and are quite cheap.

Improved consumables are far more effective and provide additional bonuses, but cost a significant amount of credits.

The Repair Kit, First Aid Kit, and Fire Extinguisher are reusable during a battle; when activated, the consumable has a cooldown (90 seconds for the standard and 60 seconds for the improved one), after which it is ready for reuse. You will have to resupply the consumable if you use it in battle, no matter how many times it was activated. All other consumables are activated automatically; they provide an effect within one battle and are gone at the end of it.

Each consumable has different operating principles, so study them carefully before equipping them. 

Select a consumable category tab to see more details about the effect and cost of a certain consumable. Consumables are usually suitable for all vehicle types of all nations (except Standard Large Repair Kit and rations that are suitable for vehicles of a specific nation).
Manual Fire Extinguisher
Extinguishes a fire in a player's vehicle. Requires manual activation. Can be used multiple times in a battle.
Small Repair Kit
Repairs all damaged modules. Can be used multiple times in a battle.
Small First Aid Kit
Removes stun and also treats all injured crew members in a player's vehicle. Can be used multiple times in a battle.
Quality Fuel
Adds 5% to engine power and turret traverse speed for the course of a battle. Activated automatically after the start of a battle and remains active throughout.
Automatic Fire Extinguisher
Not only extinguishes a fire but also reduces the chances of engine fire by 10%. Does not require manual activation. Can be used multiple times in a battle.
Large Repair Kit
Repairs all damaged modules and provides +10% to repair speed. Can be used multiple times in a battle.
Standard Large Repair Kit
Repairs all damaged modules and provides +15% to repair speed. Can be used multiple times in a battle. Initially mounted on certain vehicles. Cannot be demounted then mounted on other vehicles. Not removed after a battle and is updated for free.
Large First Aid Kit
Removes stun, treats all injured crew members, provides +15% to protection of the crew from injuries, and reduces stun duration by 5%. Can be used multiple times in a battle.
Excellent Fuel
Adds 10% to engine power and turret traverse speed for the course of a battle. Activated automatically after the start of a battle and remains active throughout.
Extra Combat Rations
Provides +10% to all perks for the course of a battle. Automatically activated after the start of a battle and remain active throughout.
Only suitable for Soviet vehicles.
Provides +10% to all crew perks for the course of a battle. Automatically activated after the start of a battle and remain active throughout.
Only suitable for German vehicles.
Case of Cola
Provides +10% to all crew perks for the course of a battle. Automatically activated after the start of a battle and remain active throughout.
Only suitable for American vehicles.
Strong Coffee
Provides +10% to all crew perks for the course of a battle. Automatically activated after the start of a battle and remain active throughout.
Only suitable for French vehicles.
Pudding and Tea
Provides +10% to all crew perks for the course of a battle. Automatically activated after the start of a battle and remain active throughout.
Only suitable for British vehicles.
Improved Combat Rations
Provides +10% to all crew perks for the course of a battle. Automatically activated after the start of a battle and remain active throughout.
Only suitable for Chinese vehicles.
Provides +10% to all crew perks for the course of a battle. Automatically activated after the start of a battle and remain active throughout.
Only suitable for Japanese vehicles.
Provides +10% to all crew perks for the course of a battle. Automatically activated after the start of a battle and remain active throughout.
Only suitable for Czechoslovakian vehicles.
Coffee with Cinnamon Buns
Provides +10% to all crew perks for the course of a battle. Automatically activated after the start of a battle and remain active throughout.
Only suitable for Swedish vehicles.
Bread with Smalec
Provides +10% to all crew perks for the course of a battle. Automatically activated after the start of a battle and remain active throughout.
Only suitable for Polish vehicles.
Spaghetti with Meat Sauce
Provides +10% to all crew perks for the course of a battle. Automatically activated after the start of a battle and remain active throughout.
Only suitable for Italian vehicles.

Buying and Resupplying Consumables

Consumables are available for all vehicles from Tier II. The number of slots for consumables depends on the vehicle's tier. One slot is avalable at Tier II, two slots at Tier III, and three slots at Tier IV and higher.

You can buy consumables right in your Garage:

  1. Click on any slot for consumables above the vehicle panel.
  2. Click on the consumable you want to equip your vehicle with. It will be displayed in the selected slot.
  3. Click Apply to confirm the purchase.

Select Auto-resupply to buy and equip the selected amount of consumables after each battle automatically.

You can change the consumable order in the slots. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the consumable from one slot to another.

To remove a consumable from a slot, click (Send to Depot).

You can also buy Consumables in the Store.

  1. Go to the STORE tab in your Garage.
  2. Click   (Service) on the left of the screen.
  3. Go to the Consumables tab.
  4. Click the item you want to purchase and select the number of items.
  5. Click Purchase in the screen displayed.

Quick Service

You can equip your vehicles with consumables manually or use Quick Service, which is a fast and convenient automated option for vehicles of Tier III and higher. It gives you access to a list of recommended equipment, consumables, ammunition, and even preset styles.

Select from three consumable setups, with the flexibility to rearrange the order of items:

  • Standard: Small First Aid Kit, Small Repair Kit, and Manual Fire Extinguisher
  • Advanced: Large First Aid Kit, Large Repair Kit, and Automatic Fire Extinguisher
  • Improved: Large First Aid Kit, Large Repair Kit, and a suitable ration

The setups will display items that are already mounted on the vehicle, available in the Depot, or available for purchase.

To quickly prepare your vehicle for battle:

  1. In your Garage, click the Quick Service button above the vehicle panel.
  2. Select one of the suggested setups and rearrange the order of the items, if necessary. If some consumables need to be bought, their price will be displayed. 
  3. Click Apply.

Selling Stocked Consumables

To sell items from Stock:

  1. Go to the DEPOT tab in your Garage.
  2. Click   (Stock) on the left of the screen.
  3. Select a consumable to sell. The Confirm Sale window is displayed.
  4. Set the number of items to sell. 
  5. Click Sell.

The corresponding sum in credits will be transferred to your account.
