Compensation Policy

Compensation rules for technical issues affecting battles in the Stronghold mode.

  1. These rules have been developed to ensure that a consistent and quality service is provided for players who participate in battles in the Stronghold mode.
  2. Clans are eligible for compensation if there are any technical problems with the Stronghold mode or World of Tanks gaming servers leading to financial or material loss.
  3. Automatic compensation is provided if technical problems with Stronghold functionality occur.
    1. If clans fought in a Skirmish and the battle results were not processed, clans receive automatic compensation in Industrial Resource in the amount equal to the basic battle income, depending on vehicle tier.
    2. If clans fought in an Advance that failed due to technical problems, clans receive automatic compensation in Industrial Resource. The compensation is provided as follows:
      • Detachments fought the first battle in an Advance and the battle results were not processed. Industrial Resource is credited to both clans in the amount equal to the reward for having four bridgeheads under control.
      • A battle, except for the first battle in an Advance, failed to start due to technical problems. Compensation is provided according to the current number of bridgeheads under control of the detachments.

        Example: in an Advance, clan A has four bridgeheads under control. Clan B has two bridgeheads under control. A battle failed to start due to technical problems. Industrial Resource is credited to clan A for controlling four bridgeheads. Clan B receives Industrial Resource for having two bridgeheads under control.

      • Detachments fought a battle, except for the first battle in an Advance, and the battle results were not processed. The Advance ends, both clans are claimed winners. Compensation for the attacking clan is provided in an amount equal to the reward for capturing a bridgehead. Compensation for the defending clan is provided in an amount equal to the reward for a successful defense. Furthermore, both clans receive Industrial Resource for the battle in the amount equal to the basic battle income.

        Example: in an Advance, the attacking clan A has four bridgeheads under control. The defending clan B has two bridgeheads under control. Detachments have fought a battle but the results were not processed. Both detachments are claimed winners. Clan A receives compensation equal to the reward for controlling five bridgeheads. Clan B receives compensation equal to the reward for controlling two bridgeheads. Both clans receive Industrial Resource in the amount equal to the basic battle income.

      • The matchmaker failed to pick an opponent for a detachment and the Advance did not start. The clan receives Industrial Resource in the amount equal to the reward for controlling three bridgeheads.
    3. If clans participated in battles during War Games and battle results were not processed, players automatically receive the maximum number of points in each discipline as compensation.

      The maximum number of points in disciplines depends on the battle mode and the division in Skirmishes.
  • Skirmish: Division VI
  • Skirmish: Division VIII
  • Skirmish: Division X
  • Advance
Skirmish: Division VI
Discipline Compensated points
Vanquish (for 1 point of difference) 175
Rush (for 1 second) 375
Demolition (for 1 enemy vehicle) 175
Assembly (for 1 legionnaire) 100
Skirmish: Division VIII
Discipline Compensated points
Vanquish (for 1 point of difference) 500
Rush (for 1 second) 596
Demolition (for 1 enemy vehicle) 500
Assembly (for 1 legionnaire)


Skirmish: Division X
Discipline Compensated points
Vanquish (for 1 point of difference) 1,875
Rush (for 1 second) 1,675
Demolition (for 1 enemy vehicle) 1,875
Assembly (for 1 legionnaire) 500
Discipline Compensated points
Vanquish (for 1 point of difference) 5,625
Rush (for 1 second) 4,185
Demolition (for 1 enemy vehicle) 5,625
Assembly (for 1 legionnaire) 1,500
  1. Clans are eligible for compensation upon request if some other issue takes place, leading to financial or material loss.
  2. Compensation falls into two groups: mass and individual.
    1. Mass compensation is provided if more than 5% of clans have been affected by technical issues during the day.
    2. Individual compensation is provided only if technical issues have affected a few clans.
      Occasional technical problems on game servers do not fall under individual compensation (game server problems fall under mass compensation).
    3. Compensation comprises cancellation penalties that the affected clans received for a battle they missed due to technical problems. The withdrawn Industrial Resource is fully returned to the clans.
    4. Mass compensation is provided at the initiative of Wargaming based on gathered data about affected clans.
    5. Individual compensation is provided upon a request sent to Player Support.
      The following rules apply to the players’ requests:
      • Requests must be sent no later than 24 hours after an incident.
      • Requests must be sent by the Commander or Executive Officers.
      • Clans must provide as much information as possible about the issues they have faced.
      • Clans must provide screenshots proving that the technical issue took place.
      • If possible, requests should include battle replays showing the alleged problem.
  3. Compensation is not provided in the following cases:
    • No penalty was received and no Industrial Resource was withdrawn.
    • Limited number of players were unable to participate in the battle.
    • Issues occurred in data-centers where the servers are located.
    • Issues occurred on the side of Internet providers.
    • Power shutdowns took place.
    • Any other issues occurred outside the control of Wargaming and not caused by Wargaming.
  4. Compensation is not provided if it is impossible to ascertain or prove that a problem occurred.