The Art of Strategy Event Is Heading to the Common Test!

Commanders! The first Common Test of Update 1.16.1, featuring the new Art of Strategy event, is about to begin!

It's time to test yourself as a Strategist—or as one of the seven Tankers who oppose them. Get ready to join the Common Test, starting soon, to be the first to try out the new Art of Strategy event and provide your feedback! Let's dig into the details.

Art of Strategy is an event with complex game settings and high hardware performance requirements. During the early days of the Common Test, some players may experience longer times in queue to enter battle, especially when playing as a Tanker.

During the Common Test, we mainly focus on testing the event's mechanics. The number of credits earned, all Collection items and rewards for assembling the event's Collection are not final and will be adjusted later. Part of the event functionality is unavailable.

We kindly ask you to focus your attention on the Art of Strategy gameplay, which features many fresh mechanics and new opportunities. We’ll provide you with more details and finalize all numeric values and the event's rewards shortly before its release.

How to Start Playing

Click the special 3D object to enter the main screen of the Art of Strategy event.

Set Up Your Strategy!

Art of Strategy battles take place in two formats for Tier X vehicles only.

  • 1v7 format. Those who participated in the test of the event on the Sandbox server last year will be familiar with this format: Seven Tankers fight against one Strategist who commands seven AI-controlled vehicles in real time. For combat, the Strategist also selects three (out of six) types of defenses. In addition to the three defenses from last year's test, we have added three completely new units. See the details here (Defences).
  • 1v1 format. In this duel, two Strategists will fight for supremacy. Both players start on an equal footing with seven AI-controlled vehicles on each side. Before battle, the Strategists can deploy three types of defenses on pre-arranged positions.

On the first day of the Common Test, only 1v1 battles will be available in the event. Use this time to learn the specifics of playing as a Strategist and to master the variety of available tools. Try different compositions of your squad, choose different defenses, and use different tactics. This will help you oppose the Tankers more effectively in the 1v7 format once it is unlocked on the Common Test.

To play as a Strategist, you will first need to prove yourself as a Tanker and earn a certain amount of in-game currency: Intel and Orders. They are credited depending on the result of battles within the event and are distributed among the players on the Tanker team.

  • To play as a Strategist against the Tankers in the 1v7 format, you need 100 Intel.
  • To fight against another Strategist in the 1v1 format, 100 Orders are required.

On the first day of the event, a special mission to cause damage will be available. Completion of the mission will reward you with Orders, which can later be used to play as a Strategist.
If the time in queue to enter battle is too long, or if the number of Strategists is insufficient, the matchmaker may allow you to play as a Strategist even if you do not have the required quantity of Intel and Orders.

General Rules

  • Battle duration: 15 minutes
  • Battles will be fought on the following maps:

In the 1v7 format

  • Airfield
  • Ghost Town
  • Siegfried Line
  • Mannerheim Line
  • Abbey
  • Cliff

In the 1v1 format

  • Airfield
  • Ghost Town
  • Siegfried Line
  • Paris
  • Mines
  • Cliff

The Strategist has a squad of seven AI-controlled Tier X vehicles under their command. They can fight without directly controlling each vehicle, but if they do not set Stances or issue the appropriate commands (e.g., attack, withdraw, capture the base, etc.), they will not be victorious. The Strategist also sets routes for their vehicles, watching the battlefield from a bird's-eye view and moving freely over the map.

Additionally, the Strategist has auxiliary defenses at their disposal. They cannot be controlled directly. Their positions are fixed, and they act as independent combat units.

During the countdown before battle (60 seconds), the Strategist should deploy their vehicles and defenses at the pre-arranged key positions on the map or use the Auto-deploy function. If you run out of time for deployment, the system will deploy the remaining units automatically.

At any time, the Strategist can assume control of any vehicle in their squad and command it individually.

In each battle, the Tanker team and the Strategist will earn credits, depending on the battle outcome and their personal performance.

Objectives of the Teams

Each team in the Art of Strategy event has its own objectives:

  • The Tankers should destroy all the Strategist's vehicles or capture their base before the battle ends (i.e., within 15 minutes). It is not mandatory to destroy defenses to achieve a victory!
  • The Strategist should destroy all of the Tankers’ vehicles or capture their base.

The economy of the mode during the Common Test is not final and will be further adjusted after the test.

The base capture time is 60 seconds for both the Tankers and the Strategist, regardless of the number of vehicles participating in the capture.
  • If neither team completes its objectives within the allotted time, the battle ends in a draw.

Preparing Squads

Vehicles for the Strategist's squad are selected in the event Garage. Click the squad composition button and fill all seven slots with Tier X vehicles. You will be able to select any Tier X vehicles that exist in the game, with the following exceptions:

All vehicles selected by the Strategist will have equipment, consumables, and a crew trained to 100%, regardless of the availability and condition of such vehicles in the player's Garage.

Slots for the Strategist's vehicles have restrictions on the vehicle type. Additionally, you cannot have two identical vehicles in a squad. Experiment and choose a squad composition that best suits your playstyle. This will allow you to fend off the Tankers more effectively and to increase your chances of victory.

Once the squad is ready, click the "Battle!" button to start the battle.

To enter battle, the Tankers need to select a Tier X vehicle in their Garage. It should be repaired and have a full crew and ammo loaded. The Tankers cannot join battle in a wheeled vehicle or in vehicles earned for activities on the Global Map and for Personal Missions.

Playing as a Tanker

During the countdown before battle, the Tankers can decide on their tactics and distribute the roles in the squad, taking into account the vehicles they have selected. Act as a team—this is the key to success. Breaking the defense of the Strategist and repelling their counterattacks alone will be extremely difficult.

Always be aware of the defenses that the Strategist has at their disposal. Concealed Watchtowers will warn the Strategist of your approach. At the same time, Flamethrowers, MRLs (Multiple Rocket Launchers), and other defenses can repel even the most rapid attack and provide support if the Strategist starts an offensive.

Depending on the battle results, the Tankers will receive Intel and Orders—in-game currencies that are distributed among all Commanders. The better your performance and the more base experience you earn, the more Intel and Orders you will receive.

Playing as a Strategist: Stances and Commands

Each of the seven vehicles in the Strategist's squad is a full-fledged AI-controlled combat unit. Watching the battle from a strategic view and assessing the combat situation, you can set routes and one of three Stances for the vehicles. Stances are certain patterns of behavior on the battlefield that the vehicles follow when under AI control:

  • Adapt
  • Recon
  • Hold

Default Stance for all the Strategist's vehicles. Vehicles will seek cover within a certain radius of the designated position and will defend the area by firing at attacking opponents.

Vehicles seek cover and transmit scouting data to their allies, trying to stay concealed. When spotted, the vehicles will try to withdraw to cover. If no cover can be found, they will engage the opponent.

Vehicles hold the designated position and engage targets when possible. Vehicles will change their positions only after receiving a command to attack.

When executing this Stance, vehicles with a limited horizontal gun or turret arc (e.g., the Badger, K-91, etc.) will seek targets and rotate their hull to cover a 90° sector of fire set by the Strategist.
  • //

You can set Stances for vehicles not only in battle but also before it starts (during the countdown).

In addition to setting Stances, the Strategist can give commands to attack, withdraw, defend the base, etc. There are seven commands in total. Here's how the vehicles respond to them.

  • Attack
  • Charge
  • Move
  • Rush
  • Withdraw
  • Capture Base
  • Defend Base

The vehicle opens fire at the selected target if it is able to do so.

The vehicle will try to get as close as possible to the selected target and engage it in close combat, trying to attack it from the side or rear. It continues until the target is destroyed or the command is canceled.

The vehicle moves to the specified point without stopping. If, on the way, it encounters an enemy that can be damaged or destroyed, it will stop to attack. Having reached the specified position, the vehicle will continue executing the set Stance.

The vehicle will move to the specified point via the shortest path possible, without being distracted by the enemy. Once in position, it will continue to execute the set Stance.

The vehicle will withdraw along the shortest path to the specified point, keeping its frontal armor to the enemy. Once in position, it will continue to execute the set Stance.

A variation of the Move command. The vehicle will stay within the enemy base.

Another variation of the Move command. The vehicle will move to its base and try to prevent base capturing.


The Strategist can give a series of commands. To do this, add several commands to the queue while holding Shift. The vehicle will execute them sequentially in the order they were added to the queue.

In battle, each vehicle from the Strategist's squad will be marked with a special commander icon and a sequence number. You can quickly switch between them by using the corresponding number keys. You can also command several vehicles at once by adding them to groups.

Manual Control of Vehicles by the Strategist

Are you ready to finish the enemy and ensure a spectacular victory? Or maybe the situation on the battlefield is becoming critical and it is necessary to repel an attack by the Tankers at all costs? Assume control of any vehicle in your squad and command it individually. This way, you can show your skills and turn the tide of battle at the right time.

To assume control of a vehicle, select it and press Q.


The Strategist has defenses at their disposal. They will automatically assist the Strategist in battle. The Strategist cannot give commands to defenses but can deploy them on key positions on the map during the countdown before battle. Each defense has its own range and parameters.

Interactive image. Hover the cursor over the Strategist’s defenses to view their technical characteristics.

AT Gun
An accurate, stealthy, and rapid-firing gun. Highly effective at long range against targets with moderate armor. However, it cannot withstand a hit.
Average Damage
300 HP
Average Penetration
270 mm
Gun Loading
5 s
Dispersion at 100 m
0.15 m
100 HP
View Range
270 m
An armored flamethrower. Causes significant fire damage to targets at close range and destroys their modules. Ignores armor.
Average damage
50 HP
Duration of a fire jet
1 s
Fire jets per magazine
30 items
Reload time
7 s
2,000 HP
up to 1,000 mm
View range
250 m
Gun Turret
A gun turret from the cruiser Algérie. Causes huge damage from long range, but can be easily spotted and has a low view range.
Average damage
1,000 HP
Average penetration
66 mm
Gun Loading
18 s
3,000 HP
View range
350 m
MG Turret
An armored structure with a machine gun. Causes a huge amount of burst damage to targets with light armor at close and medium range.
Average damage
40 HP
Average penetration
160 mm
Time between firing the last shell in the magazine and loading a new magazine
7 s
Time between firing a shell and loading the next shell in the magazine
0,25 s
Number of shells in the magazine
30 items
up to 700 mm
Dispersion at 100 m
0.4 m
2,000 HP
View range
250 m
A multiple rocket launcher that fires salvos at enemies. Effective at causing damage to groups of vehicles from extremely long range.
Average damage
600 HP
Average penetration
49 mm
Time between firing the last shell in the magazine and loading a new magazine
45 s
Time between firing a shell and loading the next shell in the magazine
0.67 s
Number of shells in the magazine
6 items
Dispersion at 100 m
0.7 m
100 HP
View range
200 m
Features excellent view range and concealment. Helps spot enemy vehicles that are approaching key positions.
100 HP
View range
450 m

Interactive image. Before battle, select any three types of Defenses based on your strategy and the vehicles in the squad.


In the 1v7 format, you can select and deploy three types of defenses (out of six) on pre-arranged points. In 1v1 Strategist duels, you can also choose three types of defenses, but their total number will be slightly lower.

Leaderboards of the Event

There are three leaderboards within the Art of Strategy event: two leaderboards for playing as a Strategist (1v1 and 1v7 formats), and one leaderboard for playing as a Tanker. To get placed on the leaderboard, a player should fight a certain number of battles in the corresponding mode.

The position on the leaderboard will depend on the number of points earned for victories, defeats, and draws. The better the results you achieve, the higher your position on the leaderboard will be. Players who end up at the top of the respective leaderboards can consider themselves to be the most competent Strategists and true Ace Tankers!

Once the event results are finalized, the best players will receive unique rewards.

New to testing? Check out our handy guide to public tests.


Eligibility: The cut-off was done on March 14, so all players registered prior to 21:59 CET (20:59 UTC) March 13 can participate in test.

Feedback: Please post your bug reports and general feedback on the test version in the special thread on our forum.


In order to participate in the test using the Game Center, use this link.

  • The Game Center will download all the additional data
  • Start playing


Get ready to join the Common Test, fight as Strategists and Tankers, and share your feedback!

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