In Update 1.18, we adjusted the technical characteristics of many vehicles. In the several months since these changes were applied to the live server, we've been closely monitoring the outcomes and are now ready to take the next step.
In Update 1.20, we’ll change the combat parameters of 27 vehicles in the British, German, French, and other branches. These various balance tweaks should adjust the performance of these tanks while preserving their key gameplay features. Some of these targeted changes will affect the surrounding vehicles in their branches, so we’ll also correct their combat parameters for consistency. Let’s take a look at each group of vehicles individually.
Tier IX–X Vehicles: Subtle but Effective Improvements
The characteristics of the following top-tier vehicles will change, allowing them to fight more effectively:

British Vehicles
Based on your feedback and our statistics,
Centurion Action X
is not very competitive on the battlefield and needs a slight enhancement to its combat performance. As a result, we’ll improve its reload time (8 s instead of 8.6 s) and dispersion during movement on hull and turret traverse. The forward speed will also be slightly increased, from 53 to 55 km/h.
To keep these changes consistent, the two surrounding tanks in the branch,
Centurion Mk. I
Centurion Mk. 7/1
will have reduced dispersion during movement and on hull traverse.
German Vehicles
Rheinmetall Panzerwagen
also doesn’t perform as well as its same-tier opponents and is, therefore, not very popular. An improved gun could make it more effective in combat. Accordingly, the Panzerwagen’s reload and aiming times will be reduced from 9 to 8 s and from 1.6 to 1.4 s, respectively. We’ll also improve the dispersion at 100 m from 0.36 to 0.33 m, as well as the dispersion during movement and on hull and turret traverse (from 0.14 to 0.10).
HWK 12
, sitting at Tier VIII, will also receive similar improvements to dispersion during movement and on hull traverse to be more competitive.
American Branch
T57 Heavy Tank
is pretty tough and can confidently take on Random Battles and Onslaught, a slight mobility buff and increased shooting comfort might do it some good. The vehicle’s reverse speed will be increased from 12 to 14 km/h, and the aiming time will be improved from 2.9 to 2.7 s. We’ll also slightly reduce its dispersion during movement and on hull traverse.
Italian Branch
Your feedback has confirmed that
role on the battlefield could be a bit more pronounced. Thus, we’ll strengthen its turret armor and increase the velocity of special HEAT shells. The reverse speed will also increase from 12 to 15 km/h.
Mid-Tier Vehicles: Tougher and More Dangerous
After reviewing the statistics, we realized that the following Tier VI–VII vehicles require some firepower, mobility, and survivability buffs to improve their efficiency. We assessed each of these vehicles individually, and we are sure that these changes will make them more attractive.

The forward speed will increase from 42 to 45 km/h, and the reload time of its 90 mm AC DCA 45 gun will be improved from 9 to 7.5 s.
Tiger (P)
The frontal armor of the top turret will be strengthened. We’ll also improve the stabilization, reload time, and dispersion on turret traverse for the 8,8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 gun. The HP pool will also increase.
Ikv 90 Typ B
We’ll improve the dispersion at 100 m of the 9 cm kan m/F gun from 0.36 to 0.32 m. The aiming time will reduce from 2.3 to 2 s.
Spähpanzer SP I C
The reload time and dispersion on turret traverse of the 90 mm D921 F1 and 90 mm Mecar guns will decrease.
The dispersion of the 85 mm D5T-85BM gun on turret traverse will be improved. We’ll also improve its dispersion during movement.
We’ll reduce the dispersion during movement and on hull traverse.
The aiming time of the 107 mm ZIS-6 gun will decrease from 3.4 to 2.9 s. Dispersion at 100 m and on turret traverse will be reduced from 0.45 to 0.43 and from 0.16 to 0.12, respectively.
Overperforming High-Tier Vehicles: Carefully Measured Changes
French Branch
In Update 1.18, we rebalanced some of the characteristics of
AMX M4 mle. 54
to enhance it as a frontline brawler. However, having studied the statistics after such a serious improvement to its combat effectiveness, we decided to slightly adjust its performance in Update 1.18.1.
We’ve been monitoring the performance of this menacing heavy in Random Battles for several months, and can clearly see that these adjustments were insufficient. We decided to go even further and slightly change the following parameters of the 130 mm/45 Model 1935 gun:
- Aiming time: from 2.2 to 2.5 s
- Reload time: from 13.4 to 14 s
- Gun dispersion at 100 m: from 0.33 to 0.36
The dispersion during movement and on hull and turret traverse will also be changed. These carefully measured changes will help us correct its effectiveness and bring the vehicle’s parameters in line with other heavy tanks.
The AMX M4 mle. 51 and the AMX 65 t will also receive successive adjustments of their guns.
Italian Vehicles
We understand why the community was so emotional about the performance nerf of the
Progetto M40 mod. 65
. This vehicle is very popular, and players like it, so you ask why to reduce its effectiveness, since its percentage of wins is about 49%, which is not high value. But in this case, we pay attention to 2 other very important parameters:
- The Progetto M40 Mod. 65 is the most popular Tier X Medium tank in the game over the past six months. And its popularity continues to grow
- This vehicle is in the top-3 in terms of average damage dealt per battle among all Tier X Medium tanks.
Seeing these trends, we want to slightly decrease the vehicle's effectiveness and the growth rate of its popularity. So, we decided to reduce the vehicle's reverse speed from 23 to 20 km/h, as well as increase gun dispersion during movement and hull traverse. We’ll also make its upper glacis plate less durable, so that this Italian predator becomes more vulnerable in combat at any distance. In this regard, the
Prototipo Standard B
will also receive successive adjustments to its gun.
American Vehicles
is a mighty vehicle that stands out from other Tier X tank destroyers in the game. In a sense, it became an unrivaled adversary on the battlefield. And the main reason for reducing the characteristics of this vehicle is its first position in the top in terms of average damage dealt per battle among all Tier X tank destroyers. It is also in the top-2 for average blocked damage per battle among all Tier X tank destroyers. Even considering that this vehicle is not very popular, even at the current popularity values, it begins to affect Random Battles. That is why we would like to reduce its effectiveness in the following parameters:
- HP pool: from 2,050 to 1,950 HP
- View range: from 390 to 370 s
- Reload time: from 17 to 18 s
- Aiming time: from 2.5 to 2.7 s
To maintain the consistency of characteristics in this branch, we’ll also decrease the T95’s view range (360 m instead of 380 m). The reload and aiming times will be increased from 18.3 to 19 s and from 2.5 to 2.7 s, respectively.
Feel free to share your thoughts on these rebalanced vehicles, Commanders!