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9.5 Community Contributor Spotlight

22/12/2014 Community
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Greetings Commanders!

Just when you thought all the fun of 2014 was over, Update 9.5 lands on our doorstep! In the patch notes you’ll see a range of changes, fixes, and features including minimap improvements, personal missions, new British tanks and tank destroyers, and three new maps: Mittengard, Ghost Town, and Winterberg.

Check out the videos below made by some of our highly productive Community Contributors to get the low down on some of the content in Update 9.5.  We’ll also add a few more video links to the forum discussion thread, and we welcome you to add other links to 9.5 content features that you’ve seen.

FV4005 Stage II Review and Gameplay | New British Tier 10 Tank Destroyer DezGamez

Object 260 - 9.5 Preview Quickybaby

Patch 9.5 - FV4101 Charioteer – Jingles

T-55A Review and Gameplay| New Tier 9 Germany Special Premium Tank  – DezGamez

9.5 - New MapsQuickybaby


Roll out!
