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Our 1st anniversary in numbers

13/04/2012 General News
In other languages: pl de fr es

Dear Tank Commanders,

Numbers, Numbers, Numbers, the world of computer games is full of them. The first anniversary of the release of World of Tanks in Europe marks an occasion at which we want to share some numbers that are significant to us here in Europe and stand for the success we have had together with you.

Your support, passion and encouragement are making all of this possible.

Virtual or not – massive amounts of steel were created, destroyed and brought back to life in the last year – the figures below are just a short breakdown, but they are a powerful testament to your dedication and our joint adventure on the battlefields of World of Tanks in Europe!

Over 160

armoured vehicles have been released into the game and are available for you to enjoy – these include regular vehicles available via 4 nation specific tech trees as well as premium tanks.

Around 6.7 million

battles have been fought out using the KV tank last month alone, making the KV our most played tank followed by the PzKpfw IV in 2nd place and the VK 3601 (H) in 3rd place.

Around 20%

of the battles are being fought using tier 5 tanks, making tier 5 the most popular tier amongst European players of World of Tanks.

Over 30%

of all players choose German tanks for their battles, making Germany's vehicles the most popular in the game. The second place goes to the USSR, third to the US vehicles and the fourth place to the recently added French tree.

Nearly 30%

participation rate of Heavy Tanks over all battles, the winner in the category “Most Popular Class in Game” goes to Heavy Tanks.

24 million 

players registered worldwide: Europe, America, Russia and Asia!

Over 100.000

concurrent players in Europe alone. This milestone has been reached earlier this week and constitutes our highest peak so far!


game updates have been released since World of Tanks’ European release in 2011. This last year of World of Tanks has seen the release of updates 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 7.0, 7.1, 7.1.1, and 7.2. Update 7.3 will be coming soon, stay tuned!

More than 20

localized versions of the World of Tanks
game client.

Tank Commanders, it is an honour serving with you!

Our sincere thanks for your on-going support goes out to all of you!
