Update 1.18.1 Common Test: Free Sixth Sense, Onslaught Mode, New Personal Reserves, and More!

We’re introducing a free “lightbulb” for vehicle crews, a new Onslaught mode that features plenty of original gameplay mechanics and a progressive 2D style as a reward, upgraded Personal Reserves  and improvements to several maps.


Free Sixth Sense for Everyone

With Update 1.18.1, the Sixth Sense perk will become a special commander feature! This means that every one of your vehicle commanders will possess it from the start (including commanders you haven’t recruited in the Barracks and any commanders that you recruit or receive from this point on). This change will make the game more comfortable for all players, especially new ones.

If one of your vehicle commanders already possessed the Sixth Sense perk, you’ll be able to choose a free skill or perk for them. This new skill/perk will automatically be upgraded to the same level as the original Sixth Sense perk (e.g., 100% for 100% or 48% for 48%). In rare cases where Sixth Sense was the zero perk, you’ll be able to choose a different zero skill or perk in its place (but just once for each vehicle commander).

Finally, special commander features and zero skills/perks will be displayed separately in the crew interface.

Take note that the Increased Focus directive won’t be available for purchase (nor auto-resupply) during the Common Test. Already purchased directives of this type will remain in your Depot. 

[Updated 16/09 11:30 CEST] Experience spent on a “Sixth Sense” perk will be automatically re-distributed in the following order:

  • To reach 100% of Major Qualification (if it was lower than 100%)
  • To train the last skill of the commander to 100% (if there was any not fully trained skill)
  • The remaining experience will go to the commander experience pool and can be spent on a new skill

Onslaught Mode

If you decide to rush straight into Onslaught during the Common Test, we will completely understand. This brand-new mode has a slew of special rules and unique mechanics, including:

  • 7v7 battles in researchable and Collectors’ Tier X vehicles only
  • Matchmaking by player ratings in the mode
  • Upgradable Role Skills based on vehicle roles
  • Points of Interest that can be captured to gain tactical advantages, like fire support or “omni-spotting” for your team
  • The option to play in Super Platoons of seven players

And there’s much more where that came from! Luckily, you can take a look at the in-depth article on Onslaught for all the details.

Of course, we have to mention another all-important feature of Onslaught: the rewards. For the first time ever, you will have the chance to earn a progressive 2D style. Thе “Wing and Claw” 2D style reflects your achievements in Onslaught. As you advance further in the mode progression, a new combination of camo and decals will unlock. (Plus, you can always switch to an “earlier” version if you wish.) The style will remain on your account permanently, even after Onslaught ends, and can be applied to any Tier X vehicle.

Known Issues

Currently two-player platoons are not available in the Onslaught mode. We are aware of the issue and will resolve it as soon as possible.

New Personal Reserves

The improved Personal Reserves are definitely something that you will want to try for yourself. Streamlined and activated on the fly (even when you’re in battle), these Reserves are a welcome change. It would be impossible to describe all the great new stuff in just a couple of paragraphs, so we suggest checking out the dedicated article on upgraded Personal Reserves. This article also contains the rules for converting old Personal Reserves into new ones, and a conversion calculator. But in brief, you will not lose anything from the conversion and will very likely gain in Personal Reserves value.

Known Issues 

During Update 1.18.1 CT1, a line of text that reads “bonus%” will be displayed instead of the values of Personal Reserve bonuses. The issue will be fixed in CT2. We apologize for the inconvenience.

More Maps to Receive Balance Tweaks

We are continuing to fine-tune the maps. In Update 1.18, quite a number of them received balancing changes. Having analyzed tons of feedback and data, we’re now going to improve four more locations in 1.18.1.


The small hill in E7 will become less steep, and you’ll be able to climb to the top of it without been seen by your foes. Also, it will offer more solid protection from enemy fire.

The ground in the northern base capture circle will become flatter. The nearby farm will be moved out of the line of fire of vehicles descending from the mountain and those coming through the forest.

Both bases will have just a single bush inside of their capture circles.

Sand River

A new rock formation in A6 will protect vehicles running up that hill, and will allow them to fire back at the enemy sitting in D7.

In K0, a new canyon crossing point will be added, letting you easily reach your pesky opponent hiding between the rocks.

The central attack direction will transform substantially:

  • The landscape will change, and new positions with various firing ranges will appear.

  • There will be new positions to withdraw to if the central valley is lost.

  • The central valley will be better protected from fire from the southern team’s MT and TD positions.

Fisherman’s Bay

The approach to the town center from the northern base will become safer. The key positions will make it more convenient to side-scrape.

The buildings in the central block of the town will be rearranged. A new house will disrupt the line of fire from the hill in the middle of the map.

To make the teams’ chances more equal, the southern side will no longer be able to hide in lush shrubbery and shoot at the “northerners” who are in the central block of the town. The block of buildings in F9 will assume the shape of its counterpart on the northern side to provide both teams with the same opportunities for holding out.

In the middle of the map, more cover will pop up on both sides (D6 and F6).

A terrain fold will be placed in F5 so that the southern team is able to enjoy safer movement near the map center, like their opponents.

A problematic firing position on the northern side in C9 will get less advantageous and have less cover.


The southern team has always had two ways to get to the top of the mountain. After Update 1.18.1, their northern adversaries will get their own second passage, which will also be safer than the main one.

Join the Common Test and share your opinion on everything that Update 1.18.1 has to offer, Commanders!


To take part, you'll need the Wargaming.net Game Center (WGC), the latest Common Test game client, and a Wargaming.net account created prior to the cut-off date (see below).


All Wargaming.net accounts created before September 4 at 22:59 CEST (UTC+2) can participate in the test.

Download and Install the Test Client


  • Run the test client installer.
  • Choose a different installation folder from where your regular World of Tanks game files are.
  • Select the freshly installed test client from the dropdown menu at the top of the WGC.
  • Roll out—and remember to pass on your feedback!

You can find more details about the WGC in the dedicated Wargaming.net Game Center guide.


Check out our handy public test guide with all the details about Common Tests, Sandbox Tests, and Supertests.


Patch Notes


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