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Swedish Community Event Day – Saturday 17th May

25/04/2014 Community

On Saturday 17th May Wargaming will be visiting the Arsenalen Tank Museum near Strängnas in Sweden.

As a special treat for visitors on this day, the museum will have a short demo of the Stridsvagn 103 or “S-Tank”, a well-known turret-less Swedish tank famous for being able to alter its gun elevation using its hull suspension.

Community Manager Ectar, Community Coordinator iScending and our Military Research Specialist The_Challenger will be attending to greet our Scandinavian players.  

If you are interested in coming along, we have a special deal available covering entry to the museum and lunch, for only 140 Swedish Krona. If you wish to take advantage of this deal, please use the link below to register your interest. 

Need a bit more encouragement? If you’re one of the first 50 people to sign up, we will pay the full 140 SEK price and you’ll also get a free ride in either a Swedish APC Pbv 302 or Soviet APC BMP 1!


Due to unexpected demand, please note that lunch can only be provided for a maximum of 100 people (including the first 50 to sign up). Snacks will be available on the day. We will email all players to advise them which package they have and what they would be expected to pay.






Event Details


Arsenalen Tank Museum
(Arsenalen, Sveriges Försvarsfordonsmuseum)
645 91 Strängnäs, Sweden


17th May 2014


11:00 to 16:00


Travel details available here.



See you there!
