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Community Spotlight – M41 90 GF

07/04/2016 Community
In other languages: pl de tr cs


We recently introduced a new contender to the World of Tanks battlefields - the special Wargaming League branded, Tier VIII German premium light tank, the leKpz M 41 90 mm GF!

As the first ever Tier VIII premium light tank, the “Black Bulldog” is quite a sight to behold. Sporting a powerful and punchy 90mm cannon, this agile light tank is sure to catch your attention in its signature black Wargaming League camouflage. We think that this tank makes a well-balanced and fun addition to the light tank lineup, but don’t take our word for it - check out what the community contributors had to say!



Focusing almost exclusively on World of Tanks content, Quickybaby’s channel has been the top resource for tank reviews, guides and amazing replay highlights for the past few years, so be sure to check it out!



While Orzanel’s channel is not the largest, it is nonetheless a great place to head to for tank reviews, map tactics and some funny tank randomness. With 3 gun marks on a record-setting 74 tanks, he is one of the best European players.



Known for his no-nonsense approach to World of Tanks, SirFoch has played over 46,000 battles and certainly knows what he is talking about. Head to his channel for salty carries and tank reviews covering all classes and nations.



Roll out!
