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Wargaming at Romics in Rome, Italy

22/09/2016 Community

Romics – "Festival del Fumetto, dell’animazione e dei Games” – is the first Italian transmedia event featuring conferences, exhibits, movie launches & premieres, cosplay performances, and digital experiences focusing on Animation, Cinema, Comics and Visual Arts.

This year, Wargaming will be attending this event to present our games: World of Tanks PC, World of Tanks Console, World of Warships and World of Tanks Blitz! Do you want to play the best titles Wargaming has to offer?  Do you want to meet our community team members and ask them questions about game development? You can do all this and much more during this four-day event.

 Event Details 

Location:   Via Portuense 1645/647, 00148, Rome, Italy
Date:  29 September – 2 October
Tickets:   Available on the Romics website or at the venue on the day of the show. 
More Information:  For further information, please visit the Romics website.



Are you interested in attending? We certainly hope you are.

See you there!
