The LPT-67 Šelma, a Czechoslovakian light tank, was a variant of the German Spähpanzer concept. The hull layout was similar to the Soviet PT-76B and BTR-50 vehicles, and the frontal armor was reinforced. Use of a powerful diesel engine was planned to ensure the necessary mobility. An original chassis was also used. It had six single support rollers, three support wheels per side, and telescopic energy-rich hydraulic shock absorbers, giving the tank high speed characteristics. Mounting 50 or 57 mm coaxial autoloading guns provided good firepower. The project was discontinued for technical and economic reasons. The tank was not amphibious and could not withstand helicopters or assault aircraft, and it was too expensive to produce.
Radio Operator
LPT-67 Šelma první model
Radiostanice R-123
LPT-67 Šelma první model
50 mm protiletadlový dvojkanón ZK 500
LPT-67 Šelma druhý model
LPT-67 Šelma druhý model
57 mm automatický dvojkanón 535Š
Characteristics are specified for vehicles with crews trained to 100%.