Premium Vehicles
Development of the TVP (general purpose tank) started in 1945. Initially, the vehicle was developed by specialists from the Military Technical Institute (VTÚ), but then the project was continued by Škoda. Later, at the request of the military, the company started working on SPGs (including tank destroyers) using the TVP chassis. One of the projects involved a 100 mm BS-3 gun mounted to a welded fully rotating turret with an open top. The vehicle was supposed to be very mobile, but no prototypes were built.
Radio Operator
ShPTK-TVP vz. 48
Škoda V16 ADH 140(F)
Radiostanice RM-31T
ShPTK-TVP vz. 48
100 mm BS-3
This is a Premium vehicle. Premium vehicles earn more credits and experience per battle, and provide a range of other bonuses.
Characteristics are specified for vehicles with crews trained to 100%.