Wartime Surplus


The quartermaster has just finished his calculations. Stock levels are too high, and so we can spare some wartime surplus for you. Enjoy the offers and help us empty the warehouse to make space for more stuff in the future!

From Friday, July the 6th at 07:30 CEST (05:30 GMT) until Monday, July 9th at 07:00 CEST (05:00 GMT), you can benefit from the following discounts:

50% discount on the tank of the month!

Obtain the French heavy tier VI ARL 44 for 462,500 credits instead of 925,000 credits.  You can then take advantage of the bonuses on it during the rest of the month!

50% discount on barracks enlargement

Pay 150 gold instead of 300 to obtain 16 more bunks in your barracks.  You can then hire some more tankers to work for you!

50% discount on credit consumables

Install some useful consumables on your tanks for half their regular price. Amongst other items, the small repair kit, manual fire extinguisher and small first aid kits are only at 1500 credits each! Be at your best performance in battle!

Remember that these offers are only available during the weekend, so don’t miss out on the chance to save some credits!

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