Panther Deals Roar in the Wargaming Store


This weekend, we will celebrate yet another edition of Tankfest, the biggest display of historical armour in the world. In 2019, the star of the show will be the glorious Panther Bretagne, a French captured version of the iconic medium vehicle. If you're into this big cat of a tank, you're in for a treat: our store has great deals on all Panther related gear until 10 July or the end of stocks!

Add a Cobi or Italeri Panther model to your desk...and drink your coffee extra armoured with our brand new Panther mug! Oh, and if you're sad after the last battle you played, we're pretty sure this cute Panther plush will cheer you up!

Not into Panthers? Don't worry, Tankfest is only happening once a year, and we could not limit our deals only to these tanks! So check out all our offers with this button:


Happy shopping, commanders, and see you on Tankfest, where we'll have a booth full of great tanking gear waiting for you!


Roll out!

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