The latest Top of the Tree special takes you along the boisterous French tank destroyer line up to the formidable
AMX 50 Foch B
. Take advantage of great discounts, missions, and bonuses to climb the Tech Tree and strike your opponents hard on the battlefield!

The tanks in the French Tech Tree line up to the AMX 50 Foch B feature three autoloading tank destroyers. They are fast and their autoloaders are deadly. The last in the line is a six-round autoloading beast that boasts high burst damage, high DPM, and pinpoint accuracy. The repercussions on often defenseless enemies is a monumental 2,400 damage per clip. Named after the great Ferdinand Foch, a famous French marshal from World War I, it has made a name for itself in World of Tanks as a ferocious sniper that doesn't hesitate to shock and pulverise enemies with its devastating burst of rippling shells. Hop inside it today!
Make your way up the Tech Tree from September 5 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2) through October 5 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2), and take advantage of great discounts and missions all the way to the top. Don’t forget that you have 10 days to purchase an extra boost if you want to speed things up!
Missions up to Tier X
Available from September 5 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2) through October 5 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2).
You'll have something to fight for every day for a month! This includes XP per vehicle every day, Crew XP bonuses, and other significant rewards to help you reach Tier X. You can find more information about the missions below:
- Crew XP
- Damaging Push
- Push Through!
- AMX 50 Foch B
x2 Crew XP
- Play a battle
- Be among the top 7 on your team by base XP earned
- Only in Random Battles, Stronghold Battles, and Recon Missions
- Only available for the vehicles featured in this special
6,500 XP
x1 Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP for 1 hour
- Cause 20,000 HP of damage over any number of battles
- Only in Random Battles, Stronghold Battles, and Recon Missions
- Only in the following vehicles:
- Can be completed 10 times per account
- XP will be credited to the vehicle you complete the mission with
20,000 XP
- Cause 200,000 HP of damage over any number of battles
- Only in Random Battles, Stronghold Battles, and Recon Missions
- Only in the following vehicles:
- Once per account
- XP will be credited to the vehicle you complete the mission with
x1 Large Repair Kit
x1 Large First Aid Kit
x1 Automatic Fire Extinguisher
x1 Personal Reserve: +300% to Crew XP for 1 hour
- Play 5 battles
- Be among the top 10 on your team by base XP earned
- Only in Random Battles, Stronghold Battles, and Recon Missions
- Repeatable
- Only available for the
AMX 50 Foch B
Climb the Tree Faster
Available from September 5 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2) through September 15 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2).
If a free bonus of XP for a battle per tank of this line every day isn't enough, you can always go for an extra boost. These packages will be available as soon as the new Top of the Tree kicks off, and they're here to help you climb the Tech Tree even faster.

Note: The bonuses included in the bundles will not accumulate if you buy them both.

Increase the number of daily XP bonuses to three with bundles featuring aesthetic extras and an additional reward for heading into battle with the AMX 50 Foch B.
Roll Out!