Tankfest 2022 is one of the world’s largest events celebrating historic armored vehicles. The three-day festival—presented by World of Tanks at The Tank Museum in Bovington, U.K.—features iconic vehicles in breathtaking arena shows, exhibitions of historically significant tanks, and much more! If you can't make it to the spectacle in person, catch the Tankfest Online 2022 livestream on Twitch on June 26, and earn great Drops rewards while you watch!
We've also put together 23 fantastic Premium Shop bundles for 16 remarkable vehicles and styles with up to a 40% discount. Check them out, and put on your own Tankfest in your Garage!
Tankfest Offers
Available from June 24 at 07:00 CEST through July 1 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)
- Sense of Direction – Prosperity Bundle
- Sense of Direction, Mk. I
- Sense of Direction, Mk. II
- Sense of Direction, Mk. III
- Sense of Direction, Mk. IV
- Sense of Direction, Mk. V
- Char de Chastel for the AltProto AMX 30
- Blitzlicht for the Leopard 1
- Kampfgruppe Schneide for the Tiger II
- Panzersturmpionier for the E 75
Sense of Direction Styles Offers
The five variants of the Sense of Direction 2D style are tributes to the importance of map awareness and scouting the battlefield. Success will only come to those with a plan. And no matter which battlefield awaits, you’ll find your path to victory dressed in these unusual styles. Each bundle includes heaps of gold, credits, and missions for bonus XP with the styles added on top FOR FREE.

- 20,000
- 20,000,000
All "Sense of Direction, Mk. I–V" 2D styles FOR FREE
75 missions: x5 XP for each victory

- 10,000
- 10,000,000
"Sense of Direction, Mk. I" 2D style FOR FREE
30 missions: x5 XP for each victory

- 10,000
- 10,000,000
"Sense of Direction, Mk. II" 2D style FOR FREE
30 missions: x5 XP for each victory

- 10,000
- 10,000,000
"Sense of Direction, Mk. III" 2D style FOR FREE
30 missions: x5 XP for each victory

- 10,000
- 10,000,000
"Sense of Direction, Mk. IV" 2D style FOR FREE
30 missions: x5 XP for each victory

- 10,000
- 10,000,000
"Sense of Direction, Mk. V" 2D style FOR FREE
30 missions: x5 XP for each victory
Char de Chastel 3D Style Offer
The spectacular Char de Chastel 3D style for the
AltProto AMX 30
is inspired by the legend of the Beast of Gévaudan. This mysterious monster terrorized the French county of Gévaudan in the 18th century and was hunted down by the legendary huntsman Jean Chastel.
Turn your French medium tank into a formidable war machine with a gorgeous knightly style featuring plates of lightly rusted metal, iron spikes, and medieval axes. But the most spectacular elements are the sharpened steel blades on the lower glacis plate and a massive catapult mounted on the vehicle’s turret.

Blitzlicht 3D Style Offer
The Blitzlicht 3D style was Initially conceived for special operations in the harsh, otherworldly environment of last year's Halloween event. But the modifications applied to the iconic
Leopard 1
have proven their camouflage value even on the comparatively tame battlefields of World of Tanks. Turn your top-tier vehicle into a fearless fighter with a life support system, smoke grenade launchers, an infrared spotlight, and more—all bundled up in this exclusive 3D style.
The Leopard 1 is also one of the stars of Tankfest 2022 and will show off its power in its original colors during the arena shows!

Tiger II and E 75 Style Offers
Only available until June 27 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)
Two veterans of the German Tech Tree have received exciting new looks, available for only a few more days in the Premium Shop! Check out their debut for a closer look and more details about the Kampfgruppe Schneide 3D style for the
Tiger II
and the Panzersturmpionier 3D style for the
E 75
Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f) Offer
The Char léger modèle 1935 H modifié 39, or Hotchkiss H39 for short, is a variant of the French Hotchkiss H35 cavalry tank. The improved version was faster than the original, with a top speed of 36.5 km/h, and it proved much easier to drive. The Wehrmacht captured about 600 of these light tanks during the French Campaign and continued their service under a new designation: Panzerkampfwagen 38H 735 (f).
Known by the community as the “Minimaus” due to its thick armor, the
Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f)
is one of the game’s rarest and most desirable tanks. Block damage easily and rule the battlefield with decent accuracy and great view range in the Festival Outfit 2D style.

AM 39 Gendron-Somua Offers
The French Army High Command initiated the Automitrailleuse de Cavalerie type Reconnaissance (AMR) project to modernize its fleet of armored cars. Among the companies and inventors that handed in prototypes was a Mr. Gendron. After going through various iterations, Gendron settled on a conventional 4x4 wheel configuration with an APX 5 turret and a 25 mm SA 35 gun main armament. As he didn’t have the means to mass-produce the Gendron-Somua AMR 39, he partnered with the Somua company, and, in September 1939, 150 armored cars were ordered by the French Army. However, due to the Fall of France, only four vehicles were built.
AM 39 Gendron-Somua
is a quick, low-tier, wheeled vehicle that debuted during the Holiday Ops 2020 event. This is your chance to catch the French speedster in the Festival Outfit 2D style with its fast-flying shells and short reload time.

AltProto AMX 30 Offers
The idea to develop a standard medium tank within NATO began with a French-led program under the acronym FINABEL. Several European nations came together to establish the basics of a “Standardpanzer” (or "standard tank"), a 30-ton vehicle with high mobility and a powerful gun. The project was discontinued, but multiple prototypes were created along the way, including the
AltProto AMX 30
The legendary hunter in its exclusive Char de Chastel 3D style returns to the Premium Shop for the first time since its introduction in November 2021. This is your chance to add a speedster with an excellent power-to-weight ratio, 232 mm armor penetration, and outstanding –11 degrees of gun depression to your collection.

M54 Renegade Offers
M54 Renegade
, also known as the T54E2, was developed in the early 1950s. It was an early attempt to upgrade M48 tanks to a 105 mm gun armament. One prototype was built, but further technological advancements rendered it obsolete, and the project was eliminated in favor of the new T95 medium tanks.
Catch this American gunslinger with a powerful cannon, over 2,200 DPM, –10 degrees of gun depression, and a high shell velocity in the Premium Shop before it escapes again. All the available bundles also include the exclusive Dead or Alive 2D style.

Centurion Mk. 5/1 RAAC Offers
The Centurion was the primary main battle tank of the British Army after the Second World War. Multiple variants with different improvements were developed and exported. The
Centurion Mk. 5/1 RAAC
, aka the FV 4011, received increased glacis armor, two coaxial machine guns, a more powerful engine, and an additional 100-gallon armored fuel tank. The variant was deployed to the Royal Australian Armoured Corps (RAAC) and saw service in the Vietnam War.
Add the “down under” version of this classic to your collection, and use its –10 degrees of gun depression, bulked-up frontal armor, and tough turret for hull-down gameplay.

Tiger 131 Offer
Tiger 131
, also known as the Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger, is the last vehicle of its kind still in working order. The tank was captured by the British 48th Royal Tank Regiment in Tunisia on April 21, 1943. It was later repaired and shipped to the United Kingdom for a complete examination. Since 1951, it has been an exhibit item at The Tank Museum in Bovington and is still in working condition. The Tiger 131 will be accessible to the public during Tankfest 2022 but will not run as part of the arena shows.
This is your opportunity to add this German heavy and its 100% trained crew with Brothers in Arms as a zero perk to your collection. Experience how a Tiger commander must have felt with good DPM, a reliable gun, and thick armor for sidescraping.

as a zero perk

Panzer 58 Offer
After World War II, Switzerland sought to develop a domestic medium tank. The first prototype was completed by Eidgenössische Konstruktionswerkstätte in 1957 and was designated the
Panzer 58
. The main armament of this first prototype was a 90 mm cannon. The second prototype was equipped with a British Ordnance QF 20 pounder, while the additional 10 manufactured tanks were armed with a 105 mm cannon.
Expand your collection with the original prototype and ambush opponents with high-velocity shells and an accurate 90 mm gun with good penetration. The bundle also includes the "Sense of Direction, Mk. II" 2D style, as well as the Chocolate Bar 2D style that turns your ferocious beast into a delicious treat.

8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger Offer
The Jagdtiger, officially designated the Panzerjäger Tiger Ausf. B, weighed over 70 tons, making it the heaviest armored vehicle to see service in the Second World War. It was built upon the modified chassis of a Tiger II and equipped with a 128 mm Pak 44 L/55 main gun. However, in 1945, the production order for the Jagdtiger increased, but the supply of compatible guns could not keep up. Approximately 20 vehicles were equipped with the 8,8 cm PaK 43 L/71 gun to meet the demand.
You can find a restored version of the original Jagdtiger at The Tank Museum in Bovington, and you'll find the 88 mm Premium version—the
8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger
—in the Premium Shop. Add it and its outstanding DPM (due to a fast reload time) in the "Sense of Direction, Mk. III" 2D style to your personal arena show!

TOG II* Offer
was devised under the assumption that the developments of World War II would follow a similar progression to those of World War I. Therefore, the British War Office authorized the creation of the Special Vehicle Development Committee of the Ministry of Supply. It was led by experienced World War I tank designers and earned a fitting moniker: The Old Gang. They set out to create a new superheavy tank that could break through fortified enemy lines, and thus the TOG was born. Their first prototype, the TOG I, couldn't compete with modern tank developments, but they developed the concept further into what is today known as the TOG II*.
The monstrous war machine is displayed at The Tank Museum and can also take over your Garage. With a stupendous 1,560 HP, a classic, fast-firing 17-pounder gun, and a boatload of shells, this tank is the cornerstone of any defense. Get it in a bundle with the "Sense of Direction, Mk. IV" 2D style, as well as the mouth-watering Hot TOG 2D style!

Make sure to catch our big Tankfest Online 2022 show on June 26 to see historic vehicles in action, catch Twitch Drops, and much more—and then recreate your own Tankfest in your Garage!
Roll Out!