After the Second World War, Japanese tank development was halted for ten years until, in 1955, the need for a new main battle tank arose. Importing American tanks became increasingly more expensive, and vehicles like the M46 Patton or M47 Patton did not fully meet Japan's requirements. Several prototypes were developed that considered Japanese terrain, rail network specifications, and the smaller stature of Japanese tank crews. One of the variants, the
, featured a shortened suspension and a larger hull height.
Development and testing culminated in the Type 61, leaving the STA-2 in the prototype stage until it was reborn as one of the first Premium Japanese vehicles in World of Tanks. This Tier VIII medium tank combines a high rate of fire, fast AP shells, and great depression angles with a 55 km/h top speed and reasonable power-to-weight ratio. It might not have the armor for a slow dance, but its mobility and penetration will show enemies a good time on the dancefloor, nevertheless. Add it now to your collection, and don’t forget to check out the weekly offers.
STA-2 Offers
Available from August 25 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2) through September 1 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2).

How do x5 XP missions work?
- x5 XP for a battle
- Win a battle
- Place among the top 10 on your team by base XP earned
- Random Battles only
- Can only be completed with the vehicle in the bundle
- Exception: special bundles with the main content being x5 XP missions
- Mission will be active after achieving the first victory of the day in the vehicle you want to complete it with