Special: Tank of the Month Discount


Have you seen our article about the tank we are highlighting during March – the T71? Are you keen to add this American prototype to the collection in your garage?

As you may have seen in the news, the American tier VII light tank T71 will grant you a bonus on credits every time you drive it during the month of March.

To help you quickly purchase this vehicle at a low price and make the most of the Tank of the Month bonus, we are pleased to give you this limited time offer on the T71!

From the 1st March 06:10 CET (05:10 GMT) until 5th March 06:00 CET (05:00 GMT) you will be able to enjoy the following special offer:

50 % discount on the American Tier VII Light Tank T71.

Obtain it for 700,000 credits instead of 1,400,000! Think of all those credits you would save!  Perhaps you could treat yourself to some sweets or treat yourself to a new camouflage pattern! Remember that this tank will help you earn more credits all the month long, not just for the duration of this discount!

Commanders, get ready to cross the battlefields with this speedy prototype vehicle and show the world what it can achieve!

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