September Missions

gamescom is behind us and the summer is almost over, but we keep fighting. If you want to achieve the best possible results in your tank commander career, you’ll need to focus too!

To help with your motivation, we have created some new missions for September. Should you choose to accept them, they could lead you to your next level of tank expertise. By completing the missions, you can earn extra credits, more crew experience and premium account access.

Read on for details of all the September missions!

Mission: The Way to Glory
15 victories
Random battles only

You can complete this mission once a day, every day throughout the month.


Mission: Learning by Doing

Be one of the Top 3 players with the most experience gained in a battle (for both winning and losing teams).

20% more crew experience

Random battles only

You can complete this mission multiple times a day. Every time you meet the conditions, you will be awarded and the mission will be available for you again.


Mission: Know your Trade

Earn 50,000 experience points in one day.


1 day of premium account access

Random battles only

You can complete this mission once a day, every day throughout the month.


You can enjoy these missions from Sunday 1st September 2013 07:10 CEST (GMT +2) until Tuesday 1st October 2013 07:00 CEST.


What do you say, Commanders? Are you eager to grow and show everybody that you are on the way to becoming an ace tank commander? The September missions are waiting for you!


Roll out!

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