Commemorate Remembrance Day with Special In-Game Missions


Remembrance Day, or Veterans Day as it is known in the USA, is an annual memorial day that honors the heroic people who fought for freedom and democracy in the direst conflicts of the past. They risked their today for our tomorrow, and recognizing the significance of their efforts is imperative.

We invite you to commemorate those who have served their country and fallen in the line of duty with various in-game specials and rewards of your choosing, including brand-new emblems modeled after the insignias of U.S. military units.

Remembrance Day Garage

Available from November 9 at 06:00 CET through November 16 at 06:00 CET (UTC+1)

The Halloween event draws to an end, and the spooky scenery gives way to a more serene ambiance. We are transforming your Garage into a sea of red poppies to mark Remembrance Day.

Remembrance Day XP Bonus

Available from November 11 at 06:00 CET through November 14 at 06:00 CET (UTC+1)

Take advantage of the x5 XP bonus and earn heaps of extra experience for your first victories of the day.

Remembrance Day Missions

Available from November 9 at 06:00 CET through November 16 at 06:00 CET (UTC+1)

Complete the four themed missions to earn extra crew XP, Large Repair Kits, Personal Reserves, and tokens for the Remembrance Day Store!

  • Remembrance Day #1
  • Remembrance Day #2
  • Remembrance Day #3
  • Remembrance Day #4
Remembrance Day #1


  • Be among the top 12 on your team by base XP earned


  • Only in Random Battles
  • Only in Tier IV–X vehicles
  • Once per day


  • ×2 Crew XP
  • 1 "Heavy Tank" token for the "Remembrance Store"
Remembrance Day #2


  • Be among the top 11 on your team by base XP earned in 3 battles


  • Only in Random Battles
  • Only in Tier IV–X vehicles
  • Once per day


  • 1 Large Repair Kit
  • 2 "Heavy Tank" tokens for the "Remembrance Store"
Remembrance Day #3


  • Be among the top 10 on your team by base XP earned in 5 battles


  • Only in Random Battles
  • Only in Tier IV–X vehicles
  • Once per day


  • 1 Personal Reserve: +200% Free & Crew XP for 1 hour
  • 3 "Heavy Tank" tokens for the "Remembrance Store"
Remembrance Day #4


  • Be among the top 9 on your team by base XP earned in 7 battles


  • Only in Random Battles
  • Only in Tier IV–X vehicles
  • Once per day


  • 1 Personal Reserve: +50% XP for 1 hour
  • 4 "Heavy Tank" tokens for the "Remembrance Store"

Remembrance Day In-Game Store

Collect tokens and choose rewards of your liking. The Remembrance Store in-game is stocked with days of WoT Premium Account, Garage slots, and exclusive customization elements. Decorate your favorite vehicles with three commemorative 2D styles and iconic new emblems featuring U.S. military units. To enter the REMEMBRANCE DAY STORE, simply enter the DEPOT from your Garage and open HOMEFRONT SUPPLIES.


Price in Tokens

1 Day of WoT Premium Account 2 2 times per account
1× Garage Slot 2 2 times per account
1× 2D Style: "1918"  30 1 time per account
1× 2D Style: "Dominion" 30 1 time per account
1× 2D Style: "Star-Spangled" 30 1 time per account
6× Decals: "American Flag Flying" 10 10 times per account
3× Inscriptions: "Lest We Forget" 3 10 times per account
3× Emblems: "1st U.S. Armored Division" 1 10 times per account
3× Emblems: "1st U.S. Cavalry Division" 1 10 times per account
3× Emblems: "1st U.S. Infantry Division" 1 10 times per account
3× Emblems: "2nd U.S. Cavalry Regiment" 1 10 times per account
3× Emblems: "3rd U.S. Cavalry Regiment" 1 10 times per account
3× Emblems: "3rd U.S. Infantry Division" 1 10 times per account
3× Emblems: "4th U.S. Infantry Division" 1 10 times per account
3× Emblems: "10th U.S. Mountain Division" 1 10 times per account
3× Emblems: "11th U.S. Armored Cavalry Regiment" 1 10 times per account
3× Emblems: "25th U.S. Infantry Division" 1 10 times per account
3× Emblems: "82nd U.S. Airborne Division" 1 10 times per account
3× Emblems: "101st U.S. Airborne Division" 1 10 times per account
3× Emblems: "172nd U.S. Infantry Brigade" 1 10 times per account
3× Emblems: "173rd U.S. Airborne Brigade" 1 10 times per account
3× Emblems: "509th U.S. Infantry Regiment" 1 10 times per account
3× Emblems: "This We'll Defend" 1 10 times per account


1918 2D Style
Star-Spangled 2D Style
Dominion 2D Style

Enjoy the special, and let us thank the individuals who made so many things possible by putting their lives on the line for our freedom.

Lest we forget. Roll Out!

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