This Jagdtiger with an 8,8 cm Pak 43 cannon is far from your typical Joe, but rather an exotic Tier VIII German tank destroyer that will feast on your enemies HP as if they were sweet treats. Just by looking at the silhouette, you can tell that the 8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger is rather unconventional. Adapt your playstyle to account for the bigger profile with weak frontal plates and use the strong fighting compartment to trade shots or the great view range to look your enemy straight in the eye. Thanks to your high DPM, the great accuracy and fast reloading time, you sure will come out victorious and don’t have to hire anyone to take care of your enemies. Add it now to your zoo of wild beasts and don’t forget to check out the additional offers with useful currency.
8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger

8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger
WoT Premium Account: 30 days
15 missions: x5 XP for each victory
- +3 items
How do the x5 XP missions work?
- x5 XP for the battle
- Win a battle
- Place in the top 10 of your team by base XP earned
- Random Battles only
- Can only be completed with the vehicle in the bundle
- Exception: special bundles with the main content being x5 XP missions
- This mission is active after achieving the first victory of the day in the vehicle you want to complete it with