As a region, Lorraine had a troubled life and was captured and taken back many times. But as the tank, the Lorraine is a whole different story. Inspired by this beautiful and history-full part of France, the Lorraine 40 t is a fierce opponent. If you go by stats, know that this Tier VIII is mobile and packs quite a punch - courtesy of a 4-round autoloading gun dealing good damage and penetration for its tier. And for those who follow the rule of cool, note that this medium tank wears a unique camouflage that changes according to your environment. Get yours now with one of the three packages below.
How do the x5 XP missions work?
- x5 XP for the battle
- Win a battle.
- Place in the top ten of your team by base XP earned.
- Random Battles only.
- Can only be completed with the vehicle in the bundle.
- Exception: special bundles with the main content being x5 XP missions.
- This mission is active after achieving the first victory of the day in the vehicle you want to complete this mission with.
Roll out!