Three diverse and unique vehicles are now available in the Premium Shop. Don't miss the chance to save up to 28% and add a sneaky sniper, a merciless sledgehammer, and a whale of a heavy to your arsenal.
Take a closer look at these vehicles below and pick them up in the Premium Shop before November 11 at 06:00 CET

Tier VII Soviet Tank Destroyer
- DPM: 3,162 HP
- Firing Rate: 8.11 rounds/min
- Top Speed: 43 km/h
Kampfpanzer 07 RH Offers
Available November 4 at 06:00 CET until November 11 at 06:00 CET (UTC+1)
Referred to as the "Frying Panzer" for its unique turret-and-cannon shape, the
Kampfpanzer 07 RH
cooks up some powerful stats. It excels as a sniper: The potent cannon can dish out a whopping 2,400 HP damage per minute and the 390 m view range keeps it keenly aware of the surroundings. Spotted and need re-orient? No problem—its blazing 65 km/h top speed rivals that of several light tanks.
Spring for a bundle with the "Brunnenpanzer" 3D style and give your Kampfpanzer the stealthy look of a true predator! The style is also sold solo for those who own the tank but not the look.

ISU-122S Offers
Available November 4 at 06:00 CET until November 11 at 06:00 CET (UTC+1)
is a sledgehammer: It's all about breaking things in as few blows possible. Packing a 122 mm cannon, the TD inflicts a jaw-dropping 3,162 HP damage per minute—a stat rivaling Tier X TDs. Coupled with a 7-second reload time, the ISU-122S can shred unsuspecting enemies. It excels with mid-range targets (not so much with long-range and point-blank shooting), and 43 km/h top speed can keep up with the team. Although the Premium vehicle carries permanent historical markings circa the Battle of Berlin in 1945, customization items are allowed.

as a zero perk Discount
TOG II* Offer
Available November 4 at 06:00 CET until November 11 at 06:00 CET (UTC+1)
Also known as the "land yacht," "XP piñata," and other colorful nicknames, the
is a formidable presence if you play to its strengths. The 1,560 HP pool is one of the deepest for its tier, the well-armored turret packs the famed 17-pdr cannon of the Firefly and other tanks, and the –10 degrees of gun depression helps with hull-down duels. Sure, it's slow: With a top speed of 14 km/h, the TOG II* may not be the first to the battle, but chances are it will be the last tank standing.
Hungry for more reasons to grab the TOG II*? its bundle includes the vehicle's exclusive "Hot TOG" 2D style.
What's that "*" on the TOG II mean?
ExpandThe Chieftain explains: The asterisk was the British Army's method of designating a "variant." Where the U.S. uses "A1," "A2," or "Mod 1," "Mod 2", etc., the Brits put one or more asterisks if it's not sufficient a change to warrant another mark number. The Lee Enfield No 4. Mk 1 and No 4. Mk 1* rifles, for instance—the only difference between the two is a notch in the bolt track.

See if the Kampfpanzer 07 RH, the ISU-122S, or TOG II* should join your arsenal. Can't decide? Grab for all three!
Roll Out!