Pumpkin Bash: Bundles Overview


Spooky nights have fallen over World of Tanks. The autumn winds are singing their dark lullabies, and the pale moon is rising above the battlefields. Halloween has come!

Pumpkin Bash is officially here, and you can make this crazy event unforgettable with our special bundles. Check out our offers in the Premium Shop, as well as some exclusive bundles from the in-game Store. Don't miss out on a good bargain!

Premium Shop Bundles

Available from October 20 at 07:30 CEST (UTC+2) through November 7 at 04:00 CET (UTC+1)

Halloween Coven

This bundle contains five 2D styles, five sets of decals, and a unique crew of four witches and a talking cat.

Each crew member comes with the Coven perk (similar to Brothers in Arms) and enough experience to train one more perk or skill to 100%.

To activate the special group voiceover, featuring character lines and comments, select a vehicle and place the event characters according to the available major qualifications.

Grab them all!  

Terrible Terror

Get into the spooky Halloween spirit with this bundle, which contains a themed 2D style, event decals, gold, and all Combat Abilities as a bonus. Become a nightmare and strike fear into the hearts of your opponents!

Note: Once the Pumpkin Bash event is over, Combat Abilities will no longer be offered in this bundle.

Become terror!  

In-Game Bundles 

 Available from October 20 at 07:30 CEST (UTC+2) through November 4 at 04:00 CET (UTC+1).

The Jack in the Box

This bundle features a unique themed 2D style, days of WoT Premium Account, and Personal Reserves to boost your credits earned in battle.

Grab it from the in-game Store for only 3,420. That's a 10% discount!

Crew Members for Gold

Please note that Commander Cordelia Astra will be available for purchase throughout the whole event, while the remaining crew members will gradually become available as the event goes on.

Each crew member comes with the Coven perk (similar to Brothers in Arms) and enough experience to train one more perk or skill to 100%.

All of these bundles are available from the in-game Store for 2,500 each.

  • Cordelia Astra (October 20 – November 4)
  • Sybill Brennheart (October 23 – November 4)
  • Aurelia von Alden (October 26 – November 4)
  • Deirdre Grimmhildt (October 29 – November 4)
  • Caudamius (November 1–4)
Cordelia Astra (October 20 – November 4)


  • Unique Commander Cordelia Astra
  • 3 Character decals
  • Cordelia's Condiment 2D style
Sybill Brennheart (October 23 – November 4)


  • Unique Gunner Sybill Brennheart
  • 3 Character decals
  • Sybill's Elixir 2D style
Aurelia von Alden (October 26 – November 4)


  • Unique Loader Aurelia von Alden
  • 3 Character decals
  • Aurelia's Potion 2D style
Deirdre Grimmhildt (October 29 – November 4)


  • Unique Driver Deirdre Grimmhildt
  • 3 Character decals
  • Deirdre's Infusion 2D style
Caudamius (November 1–4)


  • Unique Radio Operator Caudamius
  • 3 Character decals
  • Cunning Essence 2D style

Combat Abilities for Credits

In addition to the regular consumables, event battles in Pumpkin Bash will also feature magical Combat Abilities. Passive Combat Abilities give your vehicle some juicy bonuses, while Active Combat Abilities will enchant your ride with quirky (but useful) effects. Get them for just 3,000  each from the in-game Store.

Find Them in the In-Game Store

Themed Styles

Iron Jack

Help yourself to enchanting crew members, Combat Abilities, and in-game goodies while playing fantastic battles in Pumpkin Bash!

To the bundles!  

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