Clan Wars Returned

As the Clan Wars maintenance was over within the estimated time ( 6:00 am UTC ) and now clans continue their turns on Global map, we would like to remind you that as we announced previously, a few changes have been implemented with the return of Clan Wars.

Clan Wars returned in the same state that it was taken down in - meaning all provinces are still controlled by the clans that controlled them prior to the maintenance.


  • If a province has no direct connection to the clan headquarters (or through other provinces), then the clan will no longer earn income from the specified province. If a clan does not have a headquarters, they will not earn income from owned provinces.
  • If a clan currently owns one or more provinces on the Global Map, it cannot apply for landing.
  • If there are multiple attacks scheduled for a single province, attackers must first fight against each other. The winning clan will then face the owner of the province in the final match.

 One of the Clan Wars rules was updated:

15. If your clan is defeated in one of Landing Tournament battles, the chips used in that battle will be reserved for 24 hours and become active again after that.


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