Not Your Everyday American: the Chrysler K

Americans are known for their solid patterns. If something works, they usually stick to it. You know the saying, after all: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." But there's beauty in the unconventional. And the Chrysler K knows it well.

This fancy looking heavy tank has an atypical look: its turret is located in the rear part of the hull, making it the perfect choice for side-scraping tactics. The Chrysler K excels in this doctrine, but it has more than just one quality, such as the very strong frontal armour plate, that will put every commander to the test, even at Tier X!

Combine that with a good power-to-weight ratio and an overall reliable gun, and you obtain a strong behemoth capable of breaking the front just like it can hold its ground. So add it to your garage now, and don't forget to check our swap conditions if you already own the Grand Finals version of the Chrysler K.

Chrysler K Offers

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Same Tank, Different Look

If you want the new Chrysler K and already own the Grand Finals version, you can exchange it for free. Just follow the steps below before the end of the sales on 22 October at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2):

Swap Conditions


These rules are exclusively valid for this specific offer. Follow this link here and submit a ticket to our Customer Support. Any ticket created there will lead to a swap, as long as you have the Chrysler K GF, and you were not playing with it at the time your request was processed.

  • The swap will NOT be done immediately but in batches, so please wait patiently for the confirmation e-mail you will receive when it's done.
  • Your Chrysler K GF statistics will stay in your Service Record.
  • All mounted equipment and consumables will be moved to the Depot.
  • The Crew will be moved to the Barracks (temporary bunks, if there are no free ones).
  • The swap is only possible one way (Chrysler K GF  to Chrysler K). There's no reverse swap.


Roll out!

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