The Tier VIII tank destroyer AMX Canon d'assaut 105 is your alternative to the Foch branch of the French Tech Tree. It is a quick and agile hunter with a low profile. Outstanding camouflage values and a decent view range are trademarks of its role as a stealthy sharpshooter. Find the perfect hiding spot and take out your opponents no matter the distance with your highly accurate and fast aiming 105 mm gun - they won’t even know you're there.
And while they are still searching, take a look at the additional offers below.
AMX Cda 105 Offers

Tier VIII of the Week
AMX Canon d'assaut 105
WoT Premium Account: 30 days
15 missions: x5 XP for each victory
- +3 items
How do the x5 XP missions work?
- x5 XP for the battle
- Win a battle
- Place in the top 10 of your team by base XP earned
- Random Battles only
- Can only be completed with the vehicle in the bundle
- Exception: special bundles with the main content being x5 XP missions
- This mission is active after achieving the first victory of the day in the vehicle you want to complete it with