The Road To Tankfest: Watch Streams, Get a Free Vehicle, and Collect Token Store Rewards!


It's the month of Aquino Tank Weekend and Tankfest, and we have some exciting news. To celebrate these events, we have tons of rewards for anyone who watches our streams this month. In addition, we have two very special live broadcasts from the events, and you can even earn a free vehicle for watching both. Read on to learn more about our Road to Tankfest Store and how it's different from the usual Token Store!

To get the rewards mentioned in this article, you must link your Wargaming and Twitch accounts.

Road to Tankfest Store

Available from June 5 at 07:00 CEST through July 10 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

Aquino Tank Weekend and Tankfest each have a special stream taking place on June 11 and June 25, respectively. At the beginning of the event, all viewers are given one Road to Tankfest token. Then, after watching one of the official streams for 60 minutes, viewers will get another Road to Tankfest token. Earn three of these tokens to add one of the three Premium vehicles from the special Road to Tankfest Store to your Garage.

  • 1Road to Tankfest token: Given to all players at the beginning of the event.
  • 1Road to Tankfest token: Awarded for watching the Aquino Tank Weekend stream on June 11.
  • 1Road to Tankfest token: Awarded for watching the Tankfest stream on June 25.

You'll get one Road to Tankfest token for free, meaning that you'll only have to earn two more for a great reward.

The June 11 and June 25 streams are separate and independent from the regular Monthly Drops, which yield tokens for the Token Store.

Viewers who watch both streams, June 11 and June 25, and collect the required number of tokens can choose from one of three free Premium vehicles: The VI Tiger 131 , VI Bretagne Panther , or VI TOG II* in the Road to Tankfest Store (enter the DEPOT from your Garage and open HOMEFRONT SUPPLIES). Each vehicle comes with a 100% trained crew and a Garage slot.

No one leaves empty-handed! Join the June 11 and June 25 streams for exciting Mystery Drops, including Premium vehicles, days of WoT Premium Account, 3D styles, and more! Plus, unlock a free vehicle by watching both streams! (Please note: There is no credit compensation if you already own all three vehicles.)

IMPORTANT: Claim Your Mystery Drops!


Token Store

Available from June 5 at 7:00 CEST through July 10 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

We've got special items in the Token Store for our Road to Tankfest event! Watch the official World of Tanks channels, or any World of Tanks Twitch stream with Drops enabled, throughout June, and earn tokens from guaranteed Drops and Mission Drops that can be spent on 2D styles, Personal Reserves, days of WoT Premium Account, ×5 XP missions, and more in the Token Store!

These Drops are independent of the two streams taking place on June 11 and June 25, which offer Road to Tankfest tokens for the Road to Tankfest Store.

Make sure to spend your tokens and choose your rewards before both the tokens and the items in the Token Store reset on July 10 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2).


June and July Missions

Get a total of 37 tokens from these missions and Drops! Once you've watched the streams and unlocked Mission Drops, you can complete new weekly and weekend missions every week to earn additional tokens. You'll only have a few days to unlock your missions via Twitch Drops and complete them in battles. Each weekly mission can be claimed three times, while each weekend mission can only be claimed once.

Token Store: Choose Your Rewards

Spend your tokens in the special in-game Token Store to pick up two epic 2D styles, Tier VI Premium vehicles, Personal Reserves, Premium food and consumable packs, XP missions, or days of WoT Premium Account. To visit the TOKEN STORE, simply enter the DEPOT from your Garage and open HOMEFRONT SUPPLIES.


You can only visit the Token Store if you have at least one token on your account. Once you run out of tokens, the Store will disappear again until a new token has been earned.

You will lose your tokens when the Token Store resets on July 10 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2), so be sure to spend them all before then!

Important Reminders

  • Remember to link your Wargaming and Twitch accounts!
  • Watch the special streams on June 11 and June 25 to get a free vehicle, and continue watching each stream to earn Mystery Drops.
  • Select your free vehicle from the Road to Tankfest Store before July 10 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2).
  • Watch streams throughout the month to earn tokens and get special items in the Token Store before July 10 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2).
  • Claim your Aquino Tank Weekend and Tankfest Mystery Drops by logging in to the game before the respective deadlines on June 18 and July 3 (see the "IMPORTANT: Claim Your Mystery Drops!" section).

Don’t miss your chance to earn a free vehicle, grab Mystery Drops, and trade in collected tokens for free rewards from the Token Store!

Roll Out!

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