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Version 9.14: Supertest Summary

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Ever wonder what our World of Tanks developers are working on for the next update? Take a look at the summary of our latest Supertest of Update 9.14!

The Supertest is available only to carefully selected test players. However, we wanted to take this opportunity to share its contents, before you get the chance to test it yourself in the upcoming Public Test, available for all players.

Important: Any and all info presented in this article is preliminary and, as such, it may be subject to change, modification or complete deletion upon the official release, depending on the outcome of the test.


Feature Description
Improved Vehicle Movement Physics and Improved Sounds

The work on Improving the Vehicle Movement Physics and the Sounds has come to its final stage.

In terms of the Super Test, there will be final tests conducted before the release of the Common Test of Version 9.14. You'll be able to find out more details about the changes on the portal a little later.

Vehicle draw distance and spotting range on minimap

The minimap has been supplemented with circles to show the vehicle draw distance, the maximum spotting range and the player's current spotting range. The spotting range circle depends on many factors that affect the value of the vehicle's view range (set equipment like Coated Optics / Binocular Telescope, crew skills / perks, consumables, etc.).

The opportunity to switch on/off draw distance display and spotting range circles has also been added to the settings.

Improved mechanics of activating First Aid Kit and Repair Kit

Changed the logic of using Small Repair Kits and Small First Aid Kits. The new system will work as follows: if all the modules (crew members) are intact, then when activating Small Repair Kits and Small First Aid Kits the system won’t show a menu for choosing specific module or crew member.

Simplified vehicle module research for beginners

To simplify the process of familiarising new players to the game, the research system for Tiers I and II has been changed. Tier I Vehicles will have just one module available for research - a gun. Tier II vehicles will get the opportunity to research one module of each type (engine, gun, suspension, radio, turret).

Goal-setting Personal Missions (Manoeuvres) for Tiers IV-V

Beginners will receive special goal-setting personal missions, that are intended to introduce the game specifics of different vehicle types in World of Tanks.



Please remember that this info is preliminary.

New vehicles for testing:
Changes to Tanks
Vehicle Change
T28 Prototype

Added the opportunity to install Improved Ventilation Class 3.


The shared qualification of the "Radio Operator" is moved from the Commander to the Loader

Waffenträger auf E 100: This vehicle is planned to be removed from the German tech tree, and the Grille 15 will be introduced as the replacement Tier X tank destroyer in the respective line. This will not happen with Update 9.14, however. The exact date will be announced at a later time.

HD Vehicles

Reworked 24 vehicles for HD quality:

  • USSR: А-20, IS-6, MS-1
  • Germany: VK 72.01 K, E 25, VK 30.01 H, Nashorn, Pz.Kpfw. T 25, G.W. Tiger
  • USA: T1 Heavy, M44, T28 Prototype, T40, M53/55, T20
  • UK: Crusader, AT 15, Sexton II
  • France: 105 LeFH18B2, AMX 50 Foch (155)
  • Japan: Chi-Ni, Type 96 Chi-Ha, Type 5 Ke-Ho, Type 3 Chi-Nu

You can find out more about the tanks reworked to HD-quality in the In Development section of our website.

The Super Test will also feature a Polish tank and nation tab. There are plans to add Poland as a playable nation to the game. Currently, there are internal tests being conducted on the proposed tech tree and the respective vehicles. However, this content will not be implemented to the game with the upcoming update. Please visit our official website regularly for more info on the subject.


Graphic Changes and Effects


New map for Rampage game mode: Ravaged Capital
Map improvements: Sacred Valley


Change Description

Personal Reserve UI improvements

  • Personal Reserves are available in all modes, except for Battle Training, Tank Company Battles and Trainings
  • Changes made to the UI of Personal Reserves activation

Improvements to Rampage mode

  • Improved the UI of Rampage mode
  • Revised the battle loading window and teams lists that appear after pressing TAB

Clan profile

Various UI improvements to the Clan Profile



Want to help us test the new features? Make sure to join the Public Test that is scheduled to be opened very soon!
