Update 9.1 is slowly emerging on the horizon. In order to entertain you a bit while you wait for the new patch, we decided to give you a quick peek into one of the new features – Marks of Excellence.
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These marks will show off your prowess at driving a vehicle in comparison to other players who also use that particular model. The parameter determining the rating and how many marks you get (which is also dependent on the nation, see below) is the average damage you inflict and assist (spotting and detracking damage) while using that particular tank.
Marks of Excellence will differ between nations. The ranking will take only Random Battles into consideration and the results will be counted from the new version’s release onwards (damage caused and assisted before the feature’s implementation will not count).
Nation |
Mark of Excellence |
China |
Germany |
France |
UK |
Japan |
Distinguish yourself with these marks of glory and let the enemy fear your attack!