Most heavy tanks rely on their armor to absorb enemy shells and deal their damage. However, the
T57 Heavy Tank
and its predecessors aren’t like most tanks—they are their own class and have a different approach to dealing with their opponents. After all, who needs to take damage when your enemy doesn’t even have time to shoot?
The American tank line up to the T57 Heavy Tank is equipped with fast-firing autoloaders that deal some of the highest DPM among all the heavy tanks. Paired with good gun handling and decent mobility, the best tactic is to catch a foe off guard and blast them back to the Garage before they know what hit them. Even if at first you don’t succeed, well you are still a heavy tank and the sloped armor will see shells bounce off, leaving you enough time to reload and finish them off.
Surprise the enemy team from July 5 at 07:00 CEST through August 5 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2) and take advantage of great discounts and missions all the way to the top. Don’t forget that you can also purchase an extra boost if you really want to speed things up!
Missions up to Tier X
For a month, you'll have something to fight for every day! This includes x5 XP per vehicle every day, Crew XP bonuses, and other significant rewards to help you reach Tier X. You can find more information about the missions below:
- Crew XP
- Damaging Push
- Push Through!
- T57 Heavy Tank
x2 Crew XP
- Play a battle
- Place in the top 7 of your team by base XP earned
- Only available for the vehicles featured in this special
6,500 XP
1 Personal Reserve: +50% XP for 1 hour
- Deal 20,000 damage over any number of battles
- Only in the following vehicles:
- Can be completed 10 times per account
- The XP will be credited to the vehicle you complete the mission with
Vertical Stabilizer Mk 2
- Deal 200,000 damage over any number of battles
- Only in the following vehicles:
- Once per account
1 Large Repair Kit
1 Large First Aid Kit
1 Automatic Fire Extinguisher
1 Personal Reserve: +300% Crew XP for 1 hour
- Play 5 battles
- Place in the top 10 of your team by base XP earned
- Repeatable
- Only available for the
T57 Heavy Tank
Climb the Tree Faster
If a free bonus of x5 XP for a battle per tank of the line every day isn't enough for you, you can always go for an extra boost. These packages will be available as soon as the new Top of the Tree kicks off, and they are here to help you climb the Tech Tree even faster.
Top of the Tree Boost Offers

Two extra x5 XP bonuses for every vehicle in the line
Double rewards for the "T57 Heavy Tank" mission
1 "American School" style, emblems, and inscriptions
30 days of World of Tanks Premium Account

Two extra x5 XP bonuses for every vehicle in the line
Emblems and inscriptions
Increase your daily x5 XP bonuses to three with bundles that also feature cosmetic extras, as well as an additional reward for heading into battle with the T57 Heavy Tank.
Roll Out!