Team Clash 2021: Event Guide

Update 05/02:

The special battle missions to earn progress points can now be completed 3-times per day!


You can only claim unlocked Team Rewards up to your Personal Level! In order to receive a Team Reward (i.e., commander, customization items, etc.), your Personal Progress level must be equal to the corresponding Team Progress level.

This means both your personal progression and the overall team progression need to reach level 10 to receive the unique Team Clash commander at the end of the event. If your team has not collected enough points to unlock level 10 or if your Personal Progress is below level 10, you will not receive the commander.

Great news, Commanders!

Team Clash, the epic battle of popular World of Tanks Content Creators, is returning to the game! Armies of players led by famous Content Creators will compete in a special 7v7 mode to find out whose team is the strongest.

Pick a side and join this incredible standoff to earn tons of exclusive rewards!

Team Clash 2021

Team Registration starts January 29 at 11:00 CET and lasts until February 5 at 01:00 CET (UTC+1)

Team Clash battles take place from January 29 at 14:00 CET through February 8 at 02:00 CET (UTC+1)

Prime Times
14:00 to 02:00 CET (UTC+1) on the EU1 server

Event Summary

  • In Team Clash 2021, four teams of players led by famous content creators will fight in a special 7v7 mode to find out who’s the strongest. This year CirconOrzanelDakillzor, and NewMulti2k were selected for this large standoff where they’ll compete for supremacy.
  • Join one of the Content Creators’ teams from January 29 at 11:00 CET through February 5 at 01:00 CET (UTC+1) in the game client.
  • Battles take place in the 7v7 format, in Tier X vehicles on a select set of maps from January 29 at 14:00 CET through February 8 at 02:00 CET (UTC+1) with separate matchmaking to earn Points for your chosen team.
  • You can also fulfill special battle missions in Random Battles in Tier IV–X vehicles and earn personal progression Points as a reward.
  • There will be two progressions, personal and team, each rewarding you with its own set of prizes.
  • The main prizes (for your personal and team progress) await you at Level 10 of the team progression. You can earn a unique commander with the appearance of your chosen Content Creator and an exclusive voiceover, a mind-blowing 2D style, and unique customization elements.
  • After you reach Level 10 of the team progression and grab all the main prizes, you’ll have the opportunity to receive additional rewards up to Level 30.
  • Claim rewards in the client before February 8 at 02:00 CET (UTC+1).

How Can I Start Playing?

To join a team, register between January 29 and February 5 by clicking on the banner on the right-hand side of your Garage, just above the tank carousel. After you have registered and joined one of the teams, you can access the Team Clash interface in two ways:

  • Select it from the drop-down menu to the right of the “Battle” button.
  • Click on the banner on the right-hand side of your Garage, above the tank carousel.

After joining a team, you won’t be able to swap sides, so think carefully before making your selection!

Earning Points

All the Points you earn in Team Clash go towards both the personal progression and team standings. The team with the most Points earned by its members wins.

You can earn Points for your team in two ways:

  1. Battle in the 7v7 format* on a select set of maps
  2. Fulfill the following battle missions in Random Battles in Tier IV–X vehicles and earn personal progression Points
  • Successful Start
  • Step by Step
  • Victory March
Successful Start


Cause 5,000 damage in an unlimited number of battles


  • Vehicle tiers: IV-X
  • In Random Battles only
  • Three times a day


4 points

Step by Step


Earn 4,000 XP in an unlimited number of battles


  • Vehicle tiers: IV-X
  • In Random Battles only
  • Three times a day


8 points

Victory March


  • Be among the top 5 players on your team by experience earned
  • Win a battle


  • Vehicle tiers: IV-X
  • In Random Battles only
  • Three times a day


5 points

*7v7 Format Rules


**List of Maps


Let’s Talk Rewards!

By earning Points in Team Clash, you will increase both your personal and team progression level. For each personal progression level up to Level 30, you can earn:

But the most coveted prizes (for your personal and team progress) await you within the first ten team progression levels. At different levels, you can get your hands on special rewards featuring the unique style of your team’s Content Creator, including:

  • A cool 2D style
  • Your team’s Content Creator as a unique commander with an exclusive voiceover
  • Stunning decals, a spectacular medal, a cool Dog Tag background of the team you joined, and other one-of-a-kind team customizations

Claim your team and personal rewards before the end of the active phase of the event on February 8 at 02:00 CET (UTC+1). Unique commanders will be credited to players' accounts during the post-event phase on February 9 at 14:00 CET (UTC+1), along with any unclaimed personal and team rewards.

Interactive image. Choose a Content Creator to see their team rewards, obtained through team progression. 

Unique style
Dog Tag Background
All he needs is a pixel and a dream. Always assessing the situation and thinking five steps ahead, his actions are precise and the consequences inevitable. Each action is carefully calculated.
ListenNext Record
Unique style
Dog Tag Background
He's the second most well-known persona in Romania. Orzanel's presence on the battlefield strikes fear in the hearts of his opponents. With his impressive physique and singing skills, he'll either make them cower in terror or randomly start dancing!
ListenNext Record
Unique style
Dog Tag Background
Polska siła in action! He's at home on the battlefield. This commander not only knows the Studzianki soundtrack by heart, but also how to make you regret not learning Polish as your second language.
ListenNext Record
Unique style
Dog Tag Background
Competitive to the bone! Ready to win at any cost, he shows no mercy to his opponents. His famous pink hat will boost your confidence while protecting your eyes from the burning El Halluf sun.
ListenNext Record

Get Even More Unique Customization Items!

You can get additional customizations for gold including exclusive styles and decals during the event to make your vehicles stand out in the crowd.

While the styles still represent our fearless Team Clash 2021 participants, these decals feature four other EU streamers we felt deserved recognition for their contributions to the community and their burning passion for heavy metal. They include Czech streamer Marty_vole, French streamer Pamboum, German streamer L4ny_, and finally, World of Tanks’ very own Eekeeboo.

Take a look at these very special exclusive 2D looks and fancy decals, now available for gold in the game client until February 9 at 14:00 CET (UTC+1)!

Rental Vehicles

All rental tanks are only available for Team Clash 2021—it’s impossible to enter Random Battles or other modes using these vehicles.

To play Team Clash 2021 and try your hand at the 7v7 format, you need to have at least one Tier X vehicle in the Garage. If there are not enough suitable vehicles in your Garage, or you don’t have any Tier X tanks at all, you can rent select vehicles for free. All these rental tanks are replicas of existing vehicles with the same characteristics and properties.

The first rental tank will be credited to all players who have registered for the event and joined a team. However, it will only become available for playing when the event starts.

As you make your way through the team progression and earn Points, four more rental tanks will gradually be unlocked for you. Check them out:


To help you and your team earn more progression Points in battles, Content Creators will have the opportunity to directly influence the course of the struggle. To do this, they need to activate perks. There will be 6 perks in total, including Fire Barrage instead of Tactical Ploys. Check them out!

Morale Boost
Team members receive bonus Points after battle.
Frontal Assault
The team receives an objective to earn a certain number of Points in an hour. If the condition is met, the team will be rewarded with bonus Points.
Intense Battle
Team members receive a x2 Personal Point bonus for victories achieved in less than 4 minutes.
Prudent Approach
Team members receive a x2 Personal Point bonus for victories achieved where no more than 2 allied vehicles were lost.
Territorial Control
Team members receive a x2 Personal Point bonus for victories achieved via base capture.
Fire Barrage
Team members receive a x2 Personal Point bonus for victories achieved via destroying all enemy vehicles.

The duration of each perk after activation is one hour. Content Creators are free to decide which perk to activate and when. Each day, they can activate all six perks, but this time they can do it twice per day instead of once last year (except for Frontal Assault, which can only be activated once a day). No two perks can be active at the same time.

Bonus to Points Earned

Team Clash 2021 promises to be incredibly intense, and teams will be constantly fighting to overtake each other in the rankings until the end of the event. To ensure the spirit of fair competition and matching of equal and competitive teams, a special bonus to the Points you earn will be credited to both your personal and team progression. This bonus will become active on the second day of the event and will apply to those who join a team that falls behind in the team ranking.

If you join such a team when entering the event, the number of Points you earn over the next 10 battles in the 7v7 mode will be doubled. This bonus remains even if your team moves to 3rd place during these 10 battles. The team that falls behind will be defined automatically.

How the bonus works in different situations


During periods of high load on the server, Points may be credited with a delay.

Personal and Team Progression Systems

There will be two types of progression: personal and team.

  • You earn personal progression Points by participating in 7v7 mode battles and by completing special missions in Random Battles. At the start of the event, you will begin at Level 1 of the personal progression with 0 Points. Upon reaching 70 Points, your personal progression level will increase by one level, and you will start the next level with 0 Points. For achieving each new level, you will be rewarded with a Supply Crate containing valuable in-game items.
  • By increasing your personal progression level, you also contribute to your team’s progression. Upon reaching each new level, you get a reward, but only if your personal progression level is equal to or higher than your team progression level.
Points earned in excess of the number required to complete the current progression level are carried over to the next one. For example, if you have 69 out of 70 Points, and you earn 3 more Points, then 1 Point will go towards completing the current level and the other 2 Points will be credited to the next level.

Personal progression level
Number of available Supply Crates
Number of points at the current level
Number of points required to achieve a new level
Number of points earned by the team
Reward received
Reward available
Reward available; the previous reward should be taken
Your personal progression level is sufficient to receive the reward, but team progression is insufficient to unlock it
Your personal and team progression levels are too low to receive the reward at this time
Personal progression level
Number of available Supply Crates
Number of points at the current level
Number of points required to achieve a new level
Number of points earned by the team
Reward received
Reward available
Reward available; the previous reward should be taken
Your personal progression level is sufficient to receive the reward, but team progression is insufficient to unlock it
Your personal and team progression levels are too low to receive the reward at this time

Claim Your Unique Commander!

The main prize you will receive after completing Level 10 of the team progression is a unique commander, whose appearance and voiceover come from your team’s Content Creator, with Sixth Sense (as a “zero-perk”). The amount of experience required to learn additional skills or perks depends on your team’s place in the final standings.

  • The 1st place team will receive a commander with enough experience to learn a maximum of three skills/perks.
  • The 2nd and 3rd place teams will receive a commander with enough experience to learn two perks or one perk, respectively.
  • The 4th place team will receive a commander with Sixth Sense (as a “zero-perk”) only.
Unique commanders will be credited to players' accounts during the post-event phase, before February 9 at 14:00 CET (UTC+1).

After you reach Level 10 of the team progression and grabbed all these cool prizes, you’ll have the opportunity to receive additional rewards up to Level 30.

Let the epic Team Clash 2021 begin, Commanders! Join the team of your favorite Content Creator, make a decisive contribution to their victory, and earn a bunch of cool rewards!

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