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World of Tanks: Hidden Archives

03/12/2015 General News

Hidden Archives is a joint project between Wargaming and Bovington Tank Museum, aimed at identifying combat vehicles displayed on original photographs that have never been seen before. The selection of photographs is vast and includes military vehicles ranging from before World War I through to the 21st Century. As a result, cataloguing the pictures and identifying the vehicles is a considerable undertaking indeed. This is where you can help!

Lend us your expertise and have a chance to see some really unique material – your involvement is crucial to carrying out this truly great, historical initiative.

Important: Please remember that the project is still undergoing testing. Therefore, you may encounter some minor bugs and glitches. If you happen to experience any irregularities, please make sure to report them on our forum.

How to get involved

Participating in the project is very easy and doesn’t require any registration or particular set of skills (apart from an exquisite knowledge of military history and combat vehicles, of course).

Please note that the archive’s interface is in English only.

You can join the initiative by logging in with your Wargaming EU Account ID on the project’s website. You will then be able to take a short test that aims to get you acquainted with the User Interface and its mechanics, as well as assesses your knowledge. If you pass this test, you will get access to the archive containing thousands of never-before-seen pictures.


As aforementioned, participation is very easy. The archive has a simple and intuitive interface that looks almost like a browser-game or a quiz: you will be shown a picture from the archive and you will be asked to identify the vehicle it displays. To do so, you will be given either a multiple-choice tool or a list of vehicle names. Once you have assigned a name to the vehicle, you will be shown another picture, and so on.


Other than the satisfaction of contributing to an historical archive, we’re also offering some in-game rewards for World of Tanks. The top 100 contributors will receive in-game prizes, ranging from Premium Account and Gold to Premium Tanks! If you’re not lucky enough to make the leaderboard straight away, don’t be disheartened - the rankings will be updated and rewards distributed atregular intervals. Also, the rankings will be available on the forums.



1 - 10

T-34-85M, Soviet Tier VI Premium medium tank + Garage Slot

11 - 20

30 days Premium Account

21 - 50

1,250+ 7 days Premium Account

51 - 75


76 - 100

7 days Premium Account

For further information or to discuss the project with other members, please visit the official forum thread:


Join the project and help us preserve history, Commanders!
