We just gave access to the Panhard EBR 75 for our lovely Community Contributors and some clan leaders, who in turn will select some followers of their choice for a 7-day trial of our first wheeled vehicle ever. This is a great opportunity for you to try it out in World of Tanks before its release in 2019.
We hope you'll be one of these lucky commanders, but if you want to know more about the development of the EBR 75, and the rest of the wheeled vehicle line in the meantime, check out our official video above and the stats below:
Hover your mouse over the points to display the info on the vehicle

panhard ebr 75

Hit Points
950 HP
Average Damage
175/175/260 HP
Drive Mode (Top Speed/Reverse Speed)
85/85 km/h
Default Mode (Top Speed/Reverse Speed)
60/60 km/h
Commander/Gunner/Driver/Radio Operator

Average Damage
175/175/260 HP
Average Penetration
180/220/75 mm
Dispersion at 100 m
0.36 m
Aiming Time
1.2 s
Rate of Fire
5.83 rounds/min
Gun Reload Time
10.3 s
Time for Loading One Shell
1.5 s
Gun Depression / Elevation Angles

Turret Traverse Speed
66 deg/s
Signal Range
750 m
Turret Armour
40/20/20 mm
View Range
310 m

Hit Points
950 HP
15 t
Hull Armour
40/16/40 mm
56 item(s)

Engine Power
800 h.p.
Specific Power
53 h.p./t
Drive Mode (Top Speed/Reverse Speed)
85/85 km/h
Default Mode (Top Speed/Reverse Speed)
60/60 km/h
Roll out (on wheels)!