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Launch of European Support in German, Polish, French and Spanish

11/04/2012 General News
In other languages: pl de fr es

Dear Tank Commanders,

The continuous growth of our European community and the success of World of Tanks in all regions fill us with pride. Your support and passion for our products is humbling and reinforcing our dedication and desire to provide you with the best game experience, content and community events every day.

Over the last months we have been tirelessly building up our team here in Paris and are happy to announce the launch of four additional languages in our Customer Service Center today. To deliver the high quality of Customer Service our European player base rightfully expects, we now offer full technical, in-game and billing related Customer Service in addition to English also in German, Polish, French and Spanish.

Being able to interact with our community in their native language has been one of our main missions when starting European operations and Customer Relations in Paris and todays Customer Service Center announcement is in line with our objective to achieve this goal. As the popularity and appreciation for World of Tanks and Wargaming increases in many European countries, we will keep reviewing the possibilities to offer support in additional languages in the future.


Best regards,

Markus Schill – aka invino on the battlefield

Director of Customer Service Operations Europe
