Attention All Hungarians: Full Localization Support Is Here!

Commanders of Hungary!

Hungarian is now a supported language on the World of Tanks EU portal, meaning you can receive the latest news, specials, events, and insights in your native language. As a supported language, all future news will be localized into Hungarian, along with all sections of the World of Tanks portal.

To get the best experience consuming World of Tanks content, we recommend you update your language preferences on the portal, as well as in your WGC interface, game language, and news language settings.

If you are a Hungarian speaker and want to fully localize your World of Tanks experience, hit the button below to visit the Hungarian portal where you can learn more about the new language support.

Hogyan állítsd át a WoT-ot Magyarra  

Roll Out! Or as you might say, Gördülj ki!

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