A new variant of a seen-before mode is ready for testing, commanders! It’s pretty much the Grand Battles you know, but instead focused on Tier VIII combat. The mode will be available for a week only, from 13 November to 20 November, and with your feedback, we will see what the future holds.
- Mode: Random Battles (Grand Battles are available alongside Standard, Encounter, and Assault modes)
- Teams: Up to 30 players on each side
- Vehicles: Tier VIII only
- Maps: Klondike and Nebelburg
- Objectives: Capture the enemy base or destroy all enemy vehicles
To get into the battle, you will obviously need a Tier VIII tank. But to make sure you are able to get matchmade into Grand Battles, tick the box shown below.

Also, with the addition of the Tier VIII-centered conflicts, there will be a limit in each battle of 3 artillery per team! It’s also worth noting that when compared to previous Grand Battles events, unfortunately, there will be no Bond rewards for this time.
As with Grand Battles before, there are two dedicated maps: Klondike and Nebelburg.


Tune (or dust off) your Tier VIIIs in preparation and make use of your time all week long with Grand Battles!