Gaming gegen Krebs 2021: Donations for the Oncological Palliative Care Unit of the HSK


Fallen13, the founder of Gaming gegen Krebs (Gaming against Cancer) and a longtime member of the Wargaming community has once again put his team to work and organized donation streams. Just as in previous years, all of the collected money will go to the German Society for Palliative Medicine (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Palliativmedizin e.V.), which will use it for the Oncological Palliative Care Unit at the Horst Schmitt Clinic in Wiesbaden. The goal is to finance their animal-assisted therapy program by "Emma Hilft" for another year.

Donations for the Dog-Assisted Therapy

You might remember the campaign from previous years, and thanks to your support of "Gaming gegen Krebs", more than 18,000 euros have been collected since 2018.  We want to support the campaign of Fallen13 again this year and encourage everyone to participate. If the goal is reached and additional donations are collected, the project has been expanded to include other hospice facilities supported by "Emma Hilft", for example, the Lebensbrücke Flörsheim hospice.

If you want to donate, the button below will take you directly to the donation account.


When donating, you have the choice to support the donation platform. This is optional, which means the amount for can be set to 0 if desired.

Please note that the entire fundraiser is organized and managed by Fallen13 and his team. World of Tanks and Wargaming are only providing support through announcements and prizes.

Streams for the Good Cause

A direct donation isn't the only way to support the campaign.

Like in previous years, various German content creators from World of Tanks, World of Warships, World of Warships Legends, and World of Warplanes have joined the donation drive. They have teamed up with "Gaming gegen Krebs". From 01.11. to 01.12., they will be streaming fantastic Tanks, Ships, and Planes action on their channels to promote the good cause.

The following streamers have already announced their support:

  • World of Tanks
  • World of Warships
  • World of Warships Legends
  • World of Warplanes

Also, some Wargaming employees won't miss the chance to drop by streams, such as Sehales from World of Warships and Teekanne from WoWs Legends.

Stream Schedule

Events are subject to change at short notice. So keep an eye on the website and Facebook page for up-to-date information.

Interactive image. Hover your mouse over the icons to show a brief summary.

Q&A with Ivana Seger on Ohare's channel
6. November from 10:30 CET to 15:30 CET (UTC+1)
World of Warships Legends Stream: Adlerwache & Teekanne
9. November from 19:00 CET (UTC+1)
World of Tanks Stream: Ohare & Valliwusel
13. November from 10:30 CET to 15:00 CET (UTC+1)
Multistream with Valliwusel
World of Tanks Stream: Mootality
15. November from 14:30 CET (UTC+1) at LetsPlay4Charity)
World of Tanks Stream: Moerp & Mootality
15. November from 18:00 CET (UTC+1)
World of Warplanes Stream: AngryChilli
20. November from 19:30 CET (UTC+1)
World of Tanks Stream: Keyhand
23. November from 14:30 CET to 18:00 CET (UTC+1)
World of Tanks Stream: Moerp
23. November from 18:00 CET (UTC+1)
World of Warships Stream: Hurz
25. November from 20:00 CET (UTC+1)
World of Warships Stream: Seakrauts & BaxterChico
27. November from 16:00 CET to 00:00 CET (UTC+1)
World of Warships Stream: JustTrashee
28. November from 20:00 CET to 23:00 CET (UTC+1)
World of Warships Stream: Xairen & JaneDee
29. November from 18:30 CET to 21:00 CET (UTC+1)
World of Tanks Stream: Xairen & JaneDee
29. November from 21:00 CET to 23:00 CET (UTC+1)
World of Warships Stream: PrivatePinguin
30. November from 17:00 CET (UTC+1)

Q&A session with Ivana Seger

On November 6 from 10:30 CET (UTC+1), there will also be a very special stream. Ivana Seger from "Emma Hilft" will stop by and personally answer your questions about animal-assisted therapy, the "Gaming gegen Krebs" campaign, her dogs, and anything else that might interest you on the topic. Of course, she will not be alone but will also bring one or two of her dogs.

In addition to good entertainment, lots of prizes are waiting for you as well during the streams. So tune in, ask your questions about the campaign, and most importantly, donate!


All of the streams will also be accompanied by Fallen13 and his team (Atlan, rxzp8, Simlock, Zhenwu, and Suistar7). They will be happy to answer any further questions you may have about the donation drive and will, of course, be joining the fun themselves! In addition, Wargaming employees will also be present at one or the other stream.

Official World of Tanks Stream

In addition to the numerous streams from well-known personalities of the community, our video content manager keyhand will also dedicate one of his official World of Tanks streams to the good cause. Join him on November 23 from 14:30 CET (UTC+1) on our German Twitch channel, cheer for him during heated battles, and donate to the German Society for Palliative Medicine e.V.. Fallen13 will also attend the stream and will be happy to answer all your questions about the campaign.



So far, the following prizes and giveaways could be organized, which will be raffled off during the marathon. They are not tied to donations and are considered a thank you for tuning in and participating.

World of Tanks:

  • x15 3x "K-Nine" Camouflage and 1 "Bernese Mountain Dog" decal
  • x12 7 days of World of Tanks Premium Account
  • x6 3 days of World of Tanks Premium Account
  • x6 Premium vehicles Tier VI
  • x3 Premium vehicles Tier VIII (except Type 59, Type 59 G, and reward tanks)

World of Warships:

  • x3 Blyskawica Cobi model kit

and per streamer:

  • x1 Tier VI Premium Ship
  • x5 7 days of World of Warships Premium Account
  • x5 10 "Black, White, Red" camouflage and 10 "Flying Dutchman" camouflage
  • x2 Johannes Meck Leyne Commander with 10 skill points

World of Warships Legends:

  • x2 Tier IV Premium Ship
  • x2 Tier V Premium Ship
  • x2 Tier VI Premium Ship

(from the current collection of Premium Ships available for Doubloons in the in-game shop)

World of Warplanes:

  • x25 Tier V Grumman F5F Skyrocket with 100% trained crew and Hangar slot

Animal-Assisted Therapy through "Emma Hilft"

All your donations will directly support the dog therapy program at the HSK and other hospice or palliative care facilities. The therapy goal is to provide joy and comfort during patients' difficult times with specially trained dogs.

Ivana Seger from "Emma hilft" does tremendous and important work with her dogs, financed exclusively by donations. Let's demonstrate once again that the community of World of Tanks and Wargaming always supports a good cause!

Use of animal-assisted therapy in palliative care

In palliative care, the focus is not on healing and prolonging life but on maintaining the quality of life, relieving pain, eliminating other discomforts, and providing care and closeness.

This is where animal-assisted therapy comes in, intending to improve mental well-being and promote communication. The presence of the specially trained animals creates a relaxed and calming atmosphere. The animal can provide comfort, act as a mediating medium to facilitate communication between all parties involved, and thus also help with the grieving process.

Mehr über das Thema könnt ihr auf der Website von Ivana Seger erfahren. Alle aktuellen Informationen über den Spendenmarathon von Fallen13 findet ihr unter, oder auf der Facebook Seite von Gaming gegen Krebs - Pfoten für die Seele.

You can learn more about this topic on the website by Ivana Seger. The latest information about Fallen13's charity event is available at, or on the Facebook page of Gaming gegen Krebs - Pfoten für die Seele.

Roll Out and donate!

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