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Clan Wars First Campaign Results

24/07/2013 General News
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The fourth stage of the First Campaign in Clan Wars has ended. Please mind that this stage also marks the end of the Campaign. Therefore, we would like not only to point out the winners of the fourth stage, but we are also thrilled to announce the proud winners of the First Clan Wars Campaign!


Meet the victors of the fourth stage of the first Clan Wars Campaign:

 Clan Logo Clan Tag   Clan Name  Score (VP)
   [PTS]  Pirates  1147250
   [RSOP]  Rynnäkkösopulit  1037450
   [BIA-2]  =BiA=Steel panthers-2 Cz/Sk  1020450
   [EFE]  Eye For An Eye  993750
   [KAZNA]  Kazna Kru  899750


Additionally, the following clans will be awarded special medals to commemorate their achievements during Stage IV:

 Clan Logo Clan Tag Clan Name Medal
   [PTS] Pirates

 Ultimate Supremacy

   [EFE]  Eye For An Eye



And now the moment you’ve all been waiting for: meet the ultimate warriors, the masters of the Global Map and simply the best of the best!

Meet the proud victors of the entire Campaign:

 Clan Logo Clan Tag Clan Name Score (VP) Medal
   [KAZNA]  Kazna Kru 2647170 


   [PTS]  Pirates 2552314


   [EFE]  Eye For An Eye 2487138



Important: Due to the end of the First Campaign, Clan Wars will be frozen from 23rd July 2013 10:15 CEST (GMT +2) until 29th July 2013 10:15 CEST (GMT +2).


During the CW freeze the following actions will be performed on the Global Map:

  • The Global Map will be fully wiped and all cool-downs will be reset
  • All provinces and landing zones will return to their pre-Campaign status
  • All incomes will be reset to their pre-Campaign values
  • Riots and ransacking will be enabled
  • Tank locking will be enabled
  • Once the map has been unlocked, the re-division of the world will be enabled for one day with a 32 applications limit. Once the re-division is finished, the limit will be raised to 64 applications.


We would like to congratulate the winners and thank all of the competing clans for participation. See you in the next Campaign!


Commanders, it is time to lay down your weapons and rest – you deserved it!
