Update 1.5.1 Common Test Rolls Out

Update (30/05): Commanders! The third Common Test is now ready for you! Jump into battle right now.

It’s been only two weeks since Update 1.5, but we’ve got Update 1.5.1 ready for the Common Test! Check out medium tanks with rebalanced battle parameters, and a new feature: Session Statistics. In addition, Kharkov, a once-forgotten winter locale, returns as a Random Battles map. Let’s roll!


Medium Tanks Rebalance

At WG Fest last December, we announced an upcoming rebalance of five vehicles. One of them, the Kranvagn, has already received its portion of consistent improvements with Update 1.5. Now it's time to pay attention to some Tier X medium tanks and adjust their key parameters, making their battle profiles clearer.

We have thoroughly tested these rebalanced vehicles during Supertests to understand how they will impact gameplay. Now we are ready to take the next step and finalize our adjustments.

  • The Leopard 1 will be enhanced as a sniper and will be able to hit enemies more effectively at long range.
  • The STB-1 will take better advantage of terrain thanks to its turret and a hydropneumatic suspension.

To ensure the consistency of the changes made, we also revised the characteristics of the STA-1 and the Type 61 in the Japanese branch, and the Leopard Prototyp A and the Indien-Panzer in the German tech tree. And most importantly, we changed the battle parameters of two Tier VIII Premium machines, the Panzer 58 Mutz and the STA-2.

Get ready to try out these rebalanced vehicles during the Common Test and give us your feedback on their performance!    

Session Statistics

Starting from Update1.5.1, we’re adding a new feature, Session Statistics. You will be able to monitor your detailed battle statistics for the day:

  • General stats on income/expenses based on the results of battles played
  • Your battle performance for each session (or each day)
  • How effective you were in various vehicles played during the current session
  • The influence of your current gaming session on your overall WoT statistics

Finally, Session Statistics gives you direct access to the Hall of Fame to view even more detailed statistics.

Session Statistics will be available right in your Garage, to the left of the Notification Center button. Your daily statistics will be recorded for all Random Battles, except for Grand Battles, and automatically reset once a day. You can also reset them yourself if you wish.

NOTE: Session Statistics will be available in all game clients that are logged in to the same World of Tanks account. You can play at work ( for example) and then pick up where you left off at home without losing any of your statistics.

Consistent with the new Session Statistics, we’ve also added the following to the Hall of Fame:

  • Your lifetime game statistics
  • Daily fluctuations in overall statistics

More detailed information about this will be available at a later date, so stay tuned!

Reworked Map: Kharkov

Do you remember Kharkov, a map removed in Update 1.0? This map was modelled after the second-largest city of Ukraine and one of the largest cities of the Soviet Union, Kharkov, as it looked at the time of World War II.


Previously, it was convenient to play  heavy tanks on this map, but the players who preferred fast and lightly armored vehicles felt a bit out of place. Many of you have asked us to bring back this epic locale, so it will be returning in Update 1.5.1 with significant changes. We’ve tried to maintain historical accuracy and improve the gameplay with this revamp; the key revisions are as follows:

  • The reworked map has become significantly larger—its size has been increased to 1000x1000 meters.
  • We changed the location of bases and rotated the map 45 degrees to give players more space for different tactical maneuvers.
  • The right side of the map is the urban area, recreated with great historical accuracy; the approximate year is early 1943. This is the place where heavy tanks will figure out who’s the strongest.
  • The left side is a more open area, with various terrain types and abundance of cover. Here, light and medium tanks will feel right at home and will be able to flank their enemies. There are also two hills here, so TDs will be able to support their team by preventing any breakthroughs in this direction.
  • The urban and the open part of the map are separated by an anti-tank ditch; it also serves as a direct route between both bases.

With these changes, this picturesque winter map has become the perfect place to unleash the combat potential of different tank classes and try out bold new strategies.

Welcome back to Kharkov, Commanders!

Get out there and test out the new additions and changes, Commanders! We can’t wait to hear your feedback!


New to testing? Check out our handy guide to public tests.

Eligibility: cut-off was done on 8 May, so all players registered prior to 22:59 CEST (UTC+2) on 7 May can participate in test.

Feedback: Please post your general feedback about the test version and bug reports in the special thread on our forum.

In order to participate in the test using the Wargaming.net Game Center, use the following link.

  • The Wargaming.net Game Center will download all the additional data
  • Start playing


Patchnotes CT3


Main Changes

Changes to the Frontline mode

Changed the number of slots for the Combat Reserves that are available to each vehicle type. Now their number is as follows:

  • Light tanks: 1 slot instead of 3
  • Medium tanks: 2 slots instead of 1
  • Heavy tanks: 3 slots instead of 1
  • TDs: no changes (2 slots)
  • SPGs: 1 slot instead of 3

Decreased the respawn cooldown from 30 to 10 seconds.

Increased the repair cooldown of destroyed vehicles from 5 to 7 minutes (the reinforcement cooldown remains unchanged).

Now the objectives (pillboxes with the large-caliber guns) spot enemy vehicles of the attacking team according to the standard rules of spotting. The view range of the pillboxes is Х meters.

Other changes

Fixed some technical issues.


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