[Update 5] The 10th Season on the Global Map is here

We would like to apologise for a mistake we made recently regarding the Clan Digital and Shattered Stone camos prize being transferable to any vehicle after application. You are only able to use the camouflage on one vehicle. As compensation for this error, for every camo you win, you will receive an additional one.
Update (29/11): the Firefly Provinces will change! Find them on the map through the gallery below, featuring the Tier X (1/2) and Tier VIII (2/2) fronts! (click on the images to enlarge them).


The 10th anniversary season of the Global Map starts on September 26 at 10:00 CEST (UTC+2) through December 11 at 09:00 CET (UTC +1).

New mechanics will be available: hierarchical clan unions and dynamically appearing high-income provinces. The rewards also include something new. New clan styles, anniversary medals, and bonds (to the clan vault) will be provided as rewards of the anniversary season.

In Season 10, the income of the map will be increased and will be equivalent to almost 240,000 per day.

Province income has also been revised. In Season 10, the minimum province income will be increased, and there will be six levels of province income. For example, for tier X front the values are: 480600720840960 and 1,080.

Moreover, Firefly Provinces on Tier VIII and the Dynamic Map on Tier X mechanics will continue to stir the pot this season. Keep your eyes peeled for more info a bit closer to the first change.

The clan missions will comprise of two groups: for gold and influence, but the economy will be revised.

In Season 10, vehicles of Tiers VIII and X will be allowed in battles on the Global Map's Tier VIII and Tier X fronts.

In addition, to avoid overlapping with the Holiday Ops and specials, the winter large-scale game event (previously Gambit and Arms Race) on the Global Map will take place after the New Year holidays.

1. Alliances

In Season 10, clans will be able to consolidate hierarchical unions (Alliances). 

Clans that are bound by an agreement are considered to be an Alliance. 

The relationship between two clans is called an Agreement, and one of the clans becomes the main clan (Major Power), while the other one becomes a subordinate clan (Minor Powers). A subordinate clan can have only one major power, while a Major Power can have several minor powers (up to a maximum of 3). 

Clans that are bound by an agreement on the Global Map can transfer provinces and delegate battles to each other. Also, minor powers should pay off a share of their income (a contribution) earned on the Global Map to their major power.

All clans that belong to a single alliance and are hierarchically bound to a single clan are called Allies. Clans within an alliance cannot attack provinces and convoys of allied clans. 

At the same time, when meeting in a tournament for a province owned by another clan or in a landing tournament, and also during convoy tournaments, clans that belong to the same alliance will fight without restrictions.

A check for attack possibility is performed at the moment it is scheduled. If the clans became members of the same alliance after an attack is scheduled, the attack will not be cancelled and the battles will take place without restrictions.

1.1. Agreement Between Clans

Any two clans can make an agreement. When an offer is sent to a clan, the offered status (minor/major power) and the size of contribution should be specified. The clan that receives an offer can accept or decline it.

All possibilities that an agreement provides come into action on the next day on the Global Map (at 10:00 (CEST).

Example 1: Clans make an agreement on October 1, at 08:30 (CEST). After a turn is calculated on October 1, at 10:00 (CEST), the clans will be able to transfer provinces to each other or delegate battles on the Global Map.

Example 2: Clans make an agreement after calculating the turn on October 1, at 10:15 (CEST). In this case, the clans will be able to transfer provinces to each other or delegate battles on the Global Map only when the turns are calculated on October 2, at 10:00 (CEST).

Clans can terminate an agreement at any time. However, delegated battles will remain without changes.

Important: Breaking an alliance agreement will come at a cost. Each time an alliance agreement is broken, the number of Minor Powers a Major Power can have will be reduced by one from the standard 3.

For example, if Clan A is a Major Power for Clans B, C, and D and during the same day Clan A breaks the alliance agreement with Clans C and D, the Minor Power cap for Clan A will be reduced to 1.

The Minor Power cap will automatically be restored to 3 each day at 10:00 CEST.

1.2. Transferring Provinces

Clans that are bound by an agreement can transfer provinces on the Global Map. 

Any province (except ones where the Headquarters are located) can be transferred. At the same time, the province will be transferred only when all battles on it are over and only if the province owner has not changed. If the owner's Division is located on the province, it will be transferred to a new owner together with the province.

Example: Clan A makes a request for province transfer to its minor power Clan B at 17:30 (CEST). The Prime Time of this province is 19:00 (CEST), but the province has been attacked by several clans. If Clan A maintains ownership of the province after all battles are over when a turn is calculated, the province will be transferred to Clan B. If Clan A loses the province when all battles are over, the request of province transfer is canceled.

1.3. Delegating Battles

Clans that are bound by an agreement can delegate battles on the Global Map, including landings and landing auctions.

If a delegated attack takes place in the form of a tournament (landing or a tournament among challengers for a province), the clan to which the attacker has been delegated will play the entire tournament.

If a clan does not enter a delegated battle, both clans (delegating and delegated) will receive the no-show penalties.

Important: the clan who delegated the battle will get a no-show but it will not be displayed in no-show log/penalty log.

When creating a request to delegate a battle, the clan the battle is delegated to should confirm the request. At the same time, confirmation should be performed at least one turn before the Prime Time of the province where the delegated battle will take place. 

A battle can be delegated to one clan only. A battle cannot be delegated to several clans at the same time.

1.4. Contribution

In Season 10 of the Global Map, all income (gold and influence) arriving at the vaults of minor powers will be displayed to their major power. A share of a minor power's income (gold and influence) is accumulated in a special vault and should be sent to the major power with a convoy. The minimum amount of contribution is 20%, but when making an agreement this percentage can be increased to a maximum of 50%.

A convoy can be sent only when the threshold in the special vault is reached.

2. Convoys

When a minor power accumulates enough resources, it can send a convoy to their major power, and clans that do not belong to the alliance can attempt to rob the convoy. 

How it works: 

2.1. Vault for Contribution

If a clan (minor power) is bound by an agreement, a certain share of all the clan's income on the Global Map (gold and influence) is accumulated as a contribution in a special vault and can be set to the major power once a certain threshold of the currencies is reached.

If an agreement is terminated when the vault is not empty, it will be reserved; if the agreement is made under the same conditions again, the vault will be refilled and a convoy can be sent.

A vault with accumulated currencies will be reset (irrespective of resource availability) when the season ends.

2.2. Sending a Convoy

When a minor power accumulates a certain amount of contribution, they can send a convoy. The bigger the amount of the contribution sent to the major power, the more days such a convoy travels. Every day, a convoy should be defended on a randomly selected map.

When sending a convoy, the time of battles for convoy, server, and clan-defender are selected. 

Once a convoy is sent, it is displayed on the list of all convoys on the Global Map, and other non-allied clans can attempt to rob it.

2.3. Attacking a Convoy

Any clan can attempt to attack and rob a convoy that is delivering a contribution. To do that, a bid in Influence should be made on the desired convoy, similarly to the bids on landing auctions.

More than one winner is possible when attacking a convoy. The maximum number of auction winners is 8.

If several clans make the same bid, the clan that made the bid first will have priority.

One turn before the scheduled battle time, the tournament grid is built, which includes clans that made the highest bids in clan Influence Points.

The winner of the tournament for a convoy fights against the convoy defender; if the attacker wins, it receives a share of the convoy resources.

The bids of clans that did not win will be returned to their clans.

A drawn game against the convoy defender is considered to be the victory of the defender; a drawn game between the challengers for a convoy is considered to be a defeat of both teams. 

No penalty is imposed on the convoy defender for no-show in battle.

Important: the convoy mechanic will be enabled in the first half of November. Please, stay tuned for upcoming news!

3. Political Leaderboard

Clans that own provinces on the Global Map, or belong to an alliance, will be placed on the political leaderboard.

The clan's position on the leaderboard will depend on the total amount of points earned in three categories: points for owning provinces, points for minor powers, and points for convoys.

To be placed on the political leaderboard, at least 5 battles on the Global Map must be played.

3.1. Points for Owning Provinces

This part of the leaderboard displays points for owning income-generating provinces. If a clan does not own an income-generating province, the income will be equal to 0.

3.2. Points for Minor Powers

Every minor power contributes half of its points for owning income-generating provinces and for income-generating provinces of their major power. 

Important: Points for owning provinces and for minor powers are not cumulative. These parameters display the current state, not progression. If a clan loses provinces and/or minor powers: these parameters will be equal to zero. Be careful, especially at the end of the season.

3.3. Points for Convoys

When sending a convoy, both major and minor powers earn political points.

The number of points depends on the amount of sent resources: the more gold and influence, the more points a clan receives.

Unlike points for provinces and minor powers, points for convoys are cumulative and cannot be lost.

Important: points for convoys are added to the convoy sender and receiver, irrespective of the actual resources that are eventually delivered.

3.4. Formulas of Political Points

  • ClanPoliticsPoints = ClanLandAndVassalLeaderboardPoints + ClanConvoyLeaderboardPoints
  • ClanLandAndVassalLeaderboardPoints = ClanLand * ClanLandMultiplier + SUM(ClanLandAndVassalPointsi)*ClanVassalMultiplier, where:
ClanLand – the number of the clan's income-generating provinces owned at the moment of calculation

ClanLandMultiplier – the balance coefficient for owning provinces (equals 30,000)

ClanLandAndVassalPointsi - ClanLandAndVassalPoints of every current minor power

ClanVassalMultiplier - balance coefficient for minor powers (equals 0,5)

  • ClanConvoyLeaderboardPoints = ClanGold * GoldLeaderboardCoef + ClanInfluence*InfluenceLeaderboardCoef, where:
ClanGold – the amount of gold that was sent in convoys by or to this clan

– the amount of influence that was sent in convoys by or to this clan

GoldLeaderboardCoef, InfluenceLeaderboardCoef, IndustrialLeaderboardCoef - configurable parameters.

4. General Rules

General Rules


5. Rewards

In Season 10, clans will be able to earn two sets of rewards.

Set one: rewards for the clan's position in the Hall of Fame. As before, Victory Points are received for gold earned on the Global Map; depending on the clan's position, its members can receive a style, emblems, and medals.

Set two: clans receive this for their position on the political leaderboard at end of the season. The higher the position, the more bonds a clan receives to the clan vault.

Important: The clan reward will be received by players who are the members of a prize-winning clan at the end of the season, and have at least 5 battles on the Global Map played for the clan

5.1. Hall of Fame 

  • Tier X Front
  • Tier VIII Front

Max. position

Min. position



Participation emblem and emblem


Clan Digital and Shattered Stone styles, summer camouflage

Participation Emblem








Shattered Stone style and summer camouflage




Summer Camouflage

Max. position

Min. position



Participation emblem and emblem


Summer camouflage

Participation Emblem











Styles and Camouflages

Clan Digital 

Shattered Stone

Season 10 Summer Camouflage

Important: Styles are added one per account; they can be switched between vehicles without restrictions. Three camouflage pieces are added per nation. Once applied to a vehicle, it cannot be removed. Six participation emblems and six emblems are added per account.

5.2. Political Leaderboard

Clans will earn bonds that go to their clan vault depending on their position at the end of Season 10. 



Bonds to Treasury

1  175000
2  140000
3  122500
4-12  105000
13-21  91000
22-30  70000
31-39  56000
40-48  42000
49-57  28000
58 - 65 14000
66 - 130 7000
131 - 195  3500

What's next?

Once Season 10 is over, the Global Map will be locked. Influence and the special vault of alliances will be reset.

The large-scale game event on the Global Map will take place after the New Year holidays; more information will be provided in the final portal article dedicated to Season 10.

Good luck on the battlefield and roll out!

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