Introducing Global Map Season 14


The fight for world domination on the Global Map is back with Season 14 and sees some changes to previous Seasons. Alliances are off the table, war trains will roam the lands, and special battles will take place in special areas. Read on to learn everything about the new Season.

Main Features

With this Season, we will stick with the traditional 15 v 15 format for Tier X and 10 v 10 on the Tier VIII front.

Firefly Provinces:

Tier VIII:
Firefly provinces will again consist of 1 small group of 3 adjacent provinces per time zone and they will move every week on Monday.

Tier X: A new concept—train and train stations by the Czech player Svitman
Train: A train with a length of 4 provinces will be moving between the bigger cities on the Global Map. Provinces with a train on it will have increased income.
Train stations: Every weekend, the train will stop at a train station. This boosts additional provinces around the station with extra income.

Community Idea from the German player Anostra:

  • Rarely used maps will be played on special provinces
  • Players will fight on the location (map) that they are fighting for, e.g. the Studzianki map to capture the Studzianki province, the Lakeville map to capture the Zurich province, win the DDay Landing on Overlord to capture the Le Havre province, etc.
  • List of special provinces: Studzianki, Kharkov, Paris, Pilsen, Zurich, Minsk, Madrid, Le Havre

General Rules

Global Map Guide

Season Dates, Days Off

Season 14 runs from 25 March at 09:00 CET (UTC+1) through 15 June at 10:00 CEST (UTC+2).

On 29 March, the time changes to CEST, but don't worry, the Prime Times will be adjusted accordingly too, so you don't need to change anything on your side.
Before: 18:00–21:00 UTC (19:00–22:00 CET)
From 29 March: 17:00–20:00 UTC (19:00–22:00 CEST)


  • Regular, auction, and landing provinces will be available on the Global Map.
  • The battlefield is divided into zones with various levels of income, including provinces with no income.
  • There will be a total of 675 provinces (375 at Tier X and 300 at Tier VIII) on the map, of which ~15% are landing and ~5% are auction provinces for Tier X. For Tier VIII, ~25% are landing and ~5% are auction provinces.



Landing Tournaments and Auctions

  • Number of applications for landing tournaments: 32
  • Maximum number of active landing applications that can be submitted by a Clan: 6 (if a Clan has at least 90 members with a Tier X vehicle)
  • Clans owning provinces cannot land on the Global Map
  • Clans can attack landing provinces by land
  • The province owner does not participate in tournaments on landing provinces, battles in tournaments through auction, nor in attacks by land on their own provinces

First Day, World Redivision

  • All Global Map provinces will be landing provinces on the first day of the Season. At the end of Prime Time, provinces will switch to the main mode as per the general rules of the Season
  • Number of applications for landing tournaments on the first day of the Season: 16
  • If a battle for the landing province ends with a draw, it will be counted as a defeat for both challengers

Influence and Divisions

  • Division cost: 0 Influence
  • Division upkeep is free
  • Division modules are enabled for strategic effect

General Settings

  • Penalties are ON
  • "Fog of War" and vehicle freeze time are ON
  • Alliances are OFF
  • Clan operations are ON
  • Revolts are ON


In Season 14, Clans can earn a new set of rewards for the Clan's position in the Alley of Fame:

  • Player: As before, Victory Points are received for gold earned on the Global Map. Depending on the Clan's position, its members can receive a style, participation emblems, and medals.
  • Clan: Bonds for Clan treasury based on Clan's position.

Alley of Fame

  • Tier VIII Front
  • Tier X Front








4 – Top 10% N/A
Top 10% – Top 50%







pin-up Decal

1 Digital Adapted & Nightfall

4 – Top 10%
Top 10% – Top 50% Nightfall N/A
Top 50% – Top 75% N/A N/A N/A

Bond distribution for Tier X


Bonds in Treasury

1 90,000 
2 75,000 
3 60,000 
4–10 52,500 
11–20 45,000 
21–30 37,500 
31–40 30,000 
41–50 20,000 
51–65 10,000 
66–100 5,000 
101–200 2,250 

Nightfall & Digital Adapted


  • One (1) copy of a style is credited per account.
  • Six (6) copies of the participant emblem and decal will be credited per account.
  • You need to play at least 5 battles on the Global Map during Season 14.


Roll Out!

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