Clan Wars: 5th Campaign - Stage I Results

Clan Warriors,

The first Stage of the Fifth Campaign just finished and it has been a blast! During the eight days of the operation, the Global Map ignited with the fires of a total of 88,866 battles! Needless to say, the ferocity of participating clans and their drive for victory were insatiable. Having said that, a special mention is due for clan [G__G] Goldene Garde, which can boast having fought an astonishing 697 battles, while winning 515 of them—that is the highest result for a single clan in the entire Stage!

Others were not idling either. Meet the best and most valiant clans of Stage I:

Place ClanFame Points
1. [NOXUS] Nox Noctis Est Nostri 113,252
2. [G__G] Goldene Garde 83,249
4. [WHYOU] HATE ME 78,017
5. [ANV] Acta non Verba 75,003
6. [S4] Stronke Army 74,651
7. [P1NK] Pink Panther Squad 70,858
8. [G100] G100 70,589
9. [-SED-] Suicide Elite Division 70,221
10. [PIGEO] Pigeons of Love 70,080


Congratulations to all the clans and good luck in the next Stage!

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