The last season on the Global Map is over and it's the best time for a recap. Let’s dig into the details and find out what changes and improvements will take place next seasons in the future!
The search for a suitable clan has become much easier – now any player can find and join a clan in two clicks via “Clans” tab in the game. In addition, each player in the clan gets his own customization style. Now after joining the clan, the "Clans" tab in your game client switches to the "Stronghold" tab.
In the 10th season, the clan vault was expanded – now you can store not only gold, but also Bonds. In the future, it will also be possible to store credits in all clan vaults.
In 2019 we aim to introduce new bonuses and new features for all clan players.
Clans will receive a new dedicated in-game landing page in 2019. All relevant information will be gathered on one final and eye-catching landing page so players will be able to easily find out all important news about upcoming events, clan activities, access Strongholds etc.
We also introduced the ability to auto search for Legionnaires in Skirmishes. Players who are interested in playing as a team can now quickly and easily start playing Stronghold battles. All you need to do is pick a vehicle and click "Battle!". Your team will be matchmade automatically.
Global Map
The most significant update on the Global Map this year is the introduction of Alliances. Now the war has become truly global, and clan commanders have obtained more strategic opportunities. Clans can:
- form Alliances;
- attempt to attack and rob a convoy that is delivering a contribution;
- compete in the political Leaderboard, earning Political Points.
After looking through your feedback, we found that all these improvements served to infuse a new spirit into the war on the Global Map. In addition, these changes revived the clan policy and escalated the confrontation between the strongest clans and alliances. We continue to work on the alliance functionality and will throw a little more gas on the rivalry fire next seasons.
On the Horizon
We heard your feedback – in 2019 we intend to keep on improving entire mechanic and turn clans into a more accessible, transparent and understandable platform for casual players.
We will also introduce bonuses for all members of a clan. We feel that the social aspects of being in a clan are just as important as the competitive elements. With this in mind, you will receive benefits for being a member of a clan with no required participation in competitive activities. In other words, you can join a clan and carry out the clan missions without changing your usual game style, playing just for fun, as always!
Meet the T95/FV4201 Chieftain – the British heavy tank!
That’s not all Folks!
Already in January 2019, in the event "Soldiers of Fortune" a new British reward tank will be introduced. Meet the T95/FV4201 Chieftain, a status Tier X Heavy vehicle with an incredibly solid turret, well-sloped armour a menacing gun with a decent Alpha hit! A great reward for any Сommander, isn't it?
The Arms Race event, which took place on the Global Map this year, clearly demonstrated that the clan commanders obtained a challenging, but flexible tool to compete for leadership in the events. But for regular clan players, the quantity and quality of rewards earned in the game has almost not changed.
It took a lot of thought on how to reward clan players, and we came to the conclusion that you should determine your own rewards! During this event, clan players will be able to more influence the earnings for participating in battles on the Global Map, as well as to decide what rewards to spend them on.

T95/FV4201 Chieftain
Enjoy the holidays, Commanders! Stay tuned for news about the next Season of Clan Wars!