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Wargaming in Brussels : Recap from the Gathering at the Outpost

15/10/2014 Community
In other languages: fr


Thank you for doing justice to the Belgian player base by attending last weekend’s event in such big numbers! With more than 230 registered players, the event was going to be huge!

After first meeting you all in front of the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and of Military History at 4pm, we went to check out the museum and see what beauties it had to offer. Even if not all our favourite tanks were there, our Belgian fans were, and the quick tour was the perfect opportunity to get to know Rhaya and Azkolek from the French community team. We also hung out with Shahed Kazi and his crew from the Outpost; perfect preparation for the second part of the event!

From 6pm we got down to business at the Outpost. The schedule included: snacks and drinks, 20 high-end computers with our unlocked accounts, goodie bags, and contests with a chance to win some shiny Razer gear!   

Many of you joined the game and nothing was settled in advance. Congratulations to the winners who displayed their talent and well done to all the contestants! As promised, a gold reward will be granted to every player who tried his luck throughout the evening.
You can check the rest of the pictures on
our Flickr, but don’t hesitate to share yours on the forum!

We hope you liked the event, and it will be a pleasure to meet with you again during our next upcoming events. This time, don’t forget to register in advance!

To make sure you don’t miss any news, stay tuned on our portal and forums and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook !

See you very soon! Roll out!
