Razer’s Edge Contest Winners [UPDATE]

We know you have been waiting eagerly for the detailed information on the Razer’s Edge Contest Winners, so here it is. If you want to find out who has won gold by driving each tank that was included in the contest, and if you are interested in the exact experience point values achieved by the winners, just go to these pages which contain all the data.

Every entry contains the information as follows:

  • Name of the tank
  • Top scrore for this tank
  • Minimum score required to qualify for the Top 10
  • Winners list from 1st to 10th

Now for the results:

Two years passed since we launched the European World of Tanks server. We have been celebrating this anniversery with various events, one of them being the Razer’s Edge Contest. In order to win, you needed to battle with your favourite tanks and earn as much XP as you could in one battle. The list of winners is massive because every tank in the game was included!

The rules were simple: no premium tanks, no Clan Wars or tank companies, no bonuses included in the battle results. If there was a draw in the amount of XP earned, the player who scored the winning amount earlier ranked higher.

Now without further delay, we announce the winners of the three contest categories.

Prizes for each category

Top 50 scores for each category will be rewarded as follows:

Junior Category (Tiers II to IV)



1. Arwaut

2. liviu67

An expenses-paid trip to Paris in July. Come and meet the Wargaming staff on Friday July 19th, then join us on July 20th for a visit to the Carrousel de Saumur, a festival of equestrian and military tradition. 

3. Adolgniewomir

4. havocer

5. Goast7

Razer Arctosa keyboard (qwerty) and Razer LED tag

6. Szaibot

7. Kellypl

8. jenad2

Razer Imperator mouse and Razer
Dog tag

9. Bababu

10. Alpharius

11. JadowityS

Razer Carcharias headset

12. stoszek

13. allufewig

14. RoccoRiffRaff

15. Stonefin

Razer Scarab mousepad

The Top 50 players in this category receive Chinese premium tanks:



1st to 25th:

Arwaut, liviu67, Adolgniewomir, havocer, Goast7, Szaibot, Kellypl, jenad2, Bababu, Alpharius, JadowityS, stoszek, allufewig, RoccoRiffRaff, Stonefin, goml13, jelis, Yperit3, lubosboubin, Maka967, MrPingwinq, Qrmu, cat10, KillBeer, Dramadaslama

Type 59 Tank

26th to 50th:

Big_Paul, Nemean, nobange, TheCemetery, Dmatrix, Reme107, Lieutenant_Gruber_01, mpg99, Grillopan, ASPmac, Bear1_Grylls, vcgut22, Sirrurg, Alrion1704, Pcosa, enid, pier_zak, BuLLIeHKa, peter_tux, Ser_Ulrih, EFZ_ThorMaNN, chorvacki, renownxxx, BahamutDragon, frosten

Type 62 Tank

Fighter Category (Tier V to VIII)



1. Knezlar

2. Boldavio

An expenses-paid trip to Paris in July. Come and meet the Wargaming staff on Friday July 19th, then join us on July 20th for a visit to the Carrousel de Saumur, a festival of equestrian and military tradition. 

3. Skythen

4. Arila_Kuma

5. Manuel1324

Razer Arctosa keyboard (qwerty) and Razer LED tag

6. D0vahkiin

7. BarikeLa

8. Xanthos117

Razer Imperator mouse and Razer
Dog tag

9. DOVahKiiN5

10. oxerraxo

11. grzegorz5444

Razer Carcharias headset

12. lazarpbp

13. raili459

14. Kopfsalat1991

15. Crazypanter

Razer Scarab mousepad

The Top 50 players in this category receive Chinese premium tanks:



1st to 25th:

Knezlar, Boldavio, Skythen, Arila_Kuma, Manuel1324, D0vahkiin, BarikeLa, Xanthos117, DOVahKiiN5, oxerraxo, grzegorz5444, lazarpbp, raili459, Kopfsalat1991, Crazypanter, skag1, Cobralione, Bennek, _Agriel_, Ealien_, WildBilis, atom11, fekogler_1, Redez, HAWK_HUCHIPK

Type 59 Tank

26th to 50th:

niepozorny, Strv, DarkHeritage, amiralackbar, I3utter, dawid0074pl, DominikWrobel, Xenotaku, FarrellSven, HammeriEX, xawery, Hubert001, vladislavUA, Harrelson, kung_fu_tank, sashafrp, Rlox, FearOfTheDark, Chesnut, Nagymadar, cyberchief, goml13, mitko77, razorciulpiakolduna, onnyad

Type 62 Tank

Warrior Category (Tiers IX and X)



1. Shadowman521

2. Luuttu

An expenses-paid trip to Paris in July.  Come and meet the Wargaming staff on Friday July 19th, then join us on July 20th for a visit to the Carrousel de Saumur, a festival of equestrian and military tradition. 

3. druzbike

4. Berk

5. Duck_of_Doom

6. zagrov1

Razer Arctosa keyboard
(qwerty) and Razer LED tag

7. Lidelse

8. Bender64

9. mtcnight

10. BuRzaas

Razer Imperator mouse and Razer
Dog tag

11. FulliMcGee

12. FBIHun

13. Mitaka85

14. midorini

Razer Carcharias headset

15. uzzus

16. Object313

17. aginor613

18. PanZjem

Razer Scarab mousepad

The Top 50 players in this category receive Chinese premium tanks:



1st to 25th:

Shadowman521, Luuttu, druzbike, Berk, Duck_of_Doom, zagrov1, Lidelse, Bender64, mtcnight, BuRzaas, FulliMcGee, FBIHun, Mitaka85, midorini, uzzus, Object313, aginor613, PanZjem, Agonise, Divvy, popah, ballerek, Azeldoh, Diab0lic, Devilishred

Type 59 Tank

26th to 50th:

5trolch, EchoEins, Merphi, zzlzxzzlzx, Quicksilver291, Rodzyn, korpakukac, Dres77, Gubylajos, M203, portuguese007, gxl395700302, bvgg, IVI3DYK, Soudruh_Tonda, desertstorm81, LubieDobre, rikiuh, Grailen, 2006maris, Eversti_Sandels, Xineohp, vitus111, Manstein86, Izk

Type 62 Tank

11. FulliMcGee

12. FBIHun

13. Mitaka85

14. midorini


Prizes for each vehicle

Below we present players with the top 10 XP scores for every vehicle in the game. If your nickname appears more than once on the list, it means you managed to get to the Top 10 in more than one type of tank.


Junior (Tiers II to IV)


Every player on the list will be rewarded with 1,000.

nijoh, yargle, Elfonce, VonKlinkel, Tiger2c, General_Goworek, cryplord, nezamyvojin, chenguiruli, Falke_03, Herikotai, rogak12, dejafu, ragnaroeck, Kalahari, Dogniss, qwal80, Dziadek_Mroz, trpcp, Pasaken, micromax102, dangelov, matrix4c, Karnnet, Lauskeks, stypoo, Yankees1995, Chaotikus, UrbanTarzan, haker12, UDTomi, Utopius, jonas_debbie, ismail_yldrm, Rivendail, Anna790, EvKleist, Rautaa, Lazarus75, TheNightFighters, Otam, beatka1, Flottillenadmiral, VonDuDu, Jyrmo, mreqa, Bobitobi, StalkerGR, Sleipnir_793, Eight_Ball, PsychoMike, NELL26, mojomonkey, YOOP, j_man_burga, CzystaSmierc90, Yarzapp, miszka, Flunsi, Taika_Apina, Sgt_Guni, Elektrokaker_HX, Pfuidaibelix, SvenElite73, AsKyller, Pzbtl_Neubrandenburg, brocanin, Quercus_Germania, Teamkiller_xp, Deadly_Dealer, BlankBoris, pivar2, pedro231, Panduk, Gabuzzz, sylvain95, Hauptmann_Schmitt, NAZGUL20, Tibbler, gurrumas, Rhotert, viktor_cistic, Dezzec, PrinceDE, MGMGMG2, 9mmpara, Placide, Cocootoo, Squale, wakacjeniedlugo, SL83, tracer274, shady83, Zenus, Frispel, warlordalmo, sergey_RUS29, b0tze, MrFroyo, Nyck307, enid, czikitPL, markozpl, IceWyvern, kimcv, chinstein, Muensterland, SGO_Ogarniator, powertower001, bronchi, ouwezak, Straffler, Mati24_PL, RichVillage, WPI13F, gbarhip, andriy_srb, Cire06, Masakrator_5, DanIbnBartahMohammad, IhmisLoinen, markel12, timbreed, Livanec, Arcticce, X5528, VikingPSG, Poniak, stenge, Vg3r, JadowityS, possupallero, starszyszwejk, 89MSP, seipo, qba115, thanoust, Humbart, _CAHA_, smigi13, ScarlettJohansson, ScarlettJohansson, cwieq, tmr85, Razorback_Turtle, Morten82, Zjuraz, Baltopabo, Lumena, soul147, panther1943, WeghaS2, HwaninGLORYofPOLAND, steinarsen44, WMWB, nelis92, sirCraft72, optimus147, Janlo98, AnDreJOO2, Bofors_swe, GueiG, Marjor, michalop, wrecks_maker, wasaby91, TankgirlX, mrhawk, Anthony_Stark, Owen99999, MadCheese, wrensch, daimantas, MikroSchlaubi, TankeurCool, SkullCandyyX, Smasu, did_i_penetrate_you, taffy34, _TH3_B35T_, Seahawk35, ade345, Seahawk35, U93, NLsupertankdestroyerNL, Dramadaslama, largunt, Hunt3rtuer, mkfmb, PopTitanBohlen, speedzary, Irien, SturmovikSpecnaz, SL83, Philosopher, WizardOfOz, Voldermort11, jacuz, GUSTAV333, Rocksmo, Drazi, GorbiQ, dpandab, Tankminatorious, Tomcatciller, zelwas91, McTavish221, Zimbra, RAUDONAS, MrRipper, PanzerFuhrerUK, possupallero, Cez, madjin, LION1966, amgis999, binnnachladen, emidrako, nerdynoob, Dr_Strangelove_, Alpharius, alfisti166, sirfoxy, korme, Scooty1, tat_71, Blatovar, Xoldor, ripandtear, meskomajor, leftfie1d, CON_Zequent, Pasdesac, UrbanTarzan, ChasPanzer, spikeuk1966, blb10, Algadorex, Saarebas85, Vader_Tank, Sirgutz, StarHawk, SteelFafner, Esquadre, maxivoltjj63, Hokum15, SsijCycora, drulleman, jeremybull, skiniol, Hakiman, RudiG, MisakaMikoto, hippikoira, killer_arty, HOTT3nSioN, mphws, darek232, guanchito, cobraoo7, Antifan_Reloaded, juleshunter, Masquerade, razielgr, Rell666, Lazuks, Ein_Dring_Ling, VGSGiJoxxx, Armant, 491998, havocer, __BON__, Fonzi, AchimC126, LeGrandes, Nitrorex, olsada, gigiduru, Renfi, smUrfs_r_Us, lazic999, Runciter, Arzi_89, XBaneX, PrzepraszamSamWypalil, EINARNO1, Antifan_Reloaded, oxydon132, stugmaster, jaro_s, peter_tux, banditen111, Kontics, Sir_Make, Alrion1704, Zeldic, Fenyhozo, tkoutn1, Apofis1974, chedanick, Faberson, Dezzec, Buggah, MassacreCZ, Medikjis, Offe09, MichiG, szabolcska00, traktor35, IGI29, Scout21, YsztyPryszty, Tankgeneral187, ScotsSharpClaws, taust, Jarus1967, Zircone, hofmik, OGWessel, Reemo, Twixo_eSuba, nox19, zyprios2, Tisien, Flunsi, kopczenko, Terrorsatan, NaKajbi_MeNya, Puffoincazzato, BARAQDAA, Saburobej, Stay4live, Joffa1, greensmurf89, netmaster222, zsiri92, Michail_Chodorkowski, collahuasi, pret0r, Jeditte, Von_Rimmer, BOFH_1, mariras, papasouzas, havocer, Markie213, Luke349, DonOssi, partyzan1, macke120, Szaibot, pier_zak, Tyr768, Groeg, lastelf, ThoEternity, sachse91, DZESPI, CrosseyedKE, Nitrorex, butcherr, SoniczGer, Muna_asento, IM_NEAR, smelly1, kamilos353, 1Lt_KS, bfrdarklord, PoD_GENESIS, zyga0117, RabbitsFury, KLEBO60, setit, Ambrogio, Heinz_Mausberg, yotza47, monstredacier, Bantha, Dont_tell_Him_Pike, nixxon666, Lockend, dacegalvin1, PANU74, dominik222777, Major_Tannhauser, ustaba, toopa, kingkock, HARM23, qvasar, AFistek, Barbarocci, mega_super_ultra_noob, Coop278, Basti1603, moncicak, jbgdp, isoBaba18, Snowtank, dark_angel1, diemel, pomorandza5, NobbyDooDaa, Ragroth, Killua59, altylerzysta72, SirDEMON01, Blueballz, BanebladeDE, Tuonotl, akulade, BackfirePL, snakepeel13, tercen, vonReuffenPL, hotspur95, Bartology, Itachi_sensei, switcher67, Tha_Men, Goast7, Keicam, Tasman68, OFFDAHOOK, Tiramique, krisztian110, lavish, Kenrahj, Honzik111, bubulakie, Taifuuni, Stefan68, Pljuk, abor2011, PL_Damiano, AirL, mojaksywa, Plumbumbarum, Vojtech99_CZ, Loxa_VW, NokturnalMortum, Ongi2000, RoupeI, zebmac, skag1, P13rr07, Rocketeer007, GacuXXX, DeXoteric, Xarxax, Farewell_Flatter, Kinesiska, DarkXAlucard, draka20, CaiusMisus, Hoellenhund4, Kilted_Tabler, Ekonomistas, inodado, PZIV, Baba_Savetka, arcieron, nekrad, Megahit, HardTarget_UK, Shiner, Runciter, DeadPenalty, Vogi, Kfjato, Cpt_Capable, Moonshades, Elinor, ashais, Kierek1, Horseless, Destinx, Fressneid, BruttusPT, IrrerWirrer, Edoch, Evildio, drigidragon, dangelov, Symtom, Killer2803, Pangaea29, nallebrallan, juhocool, Hypia21, Dwe, NightKnight_CZ, Grigorij_Saakaszwili, oida, JohnyMadness, eszel89, oom909, Kaplanm, AntyA, Cygnus_du_lac, shohei_PL, HorneT2011, RedSergei, Dartmania, BierPens, Kwagga, Spielverderber80, PrimeSinister, KuroiNamida, Antifan_Reloaded, Agrolli87, Papabaer001, DoN_PaNkEr, mrObrutus, mikke2906, Patman1991, _R3KRUT_, Kubecx, jjom, Szoby, jelis, KillBeer, Dramadaslama, Nemean, TheCemetery, Dmatrix, Lieutenant_Gruber_01, Pcosa, Tytanek, brouti33, Nushuk, amdus, HellBoyRaw, StealthedTiger, WarNeverChanges, Corsa16vTurbo, Krouza2, BisnesKoso, drtikol8, Ondr497, bububusch, Tizzone, SmallGunDK, ReapX, Runciter, neodrago00, Dewirix, Nightmare95, FUGU151, romtik, Kellypl, zZAWAa, Kurashi, jeehlajs, harmasyys, Arocalex, Beauville, discoboy, IwanGroznY, Maic_Krause, BammBamm58, Kingsize9, Pygmy_Hippo, Cracky_cz, thedragonmaster, kaupmann112233, jup123spead, Dikalow, mhanrath, schimi237, Arwaut, liviu67, stoszek, RoccoRiffRaff, Stonefin, Yperit3, lubosboubin, Qrmu, cat10, Reme107, Big_Paul, Abrik, PrincepsOptimus, chanquete000, skyhawk, bonghead333, vonReuffenPL, Zilaflon, Tasman68, Poop_Generator, Salzstein1, HupRup, aleria, XenonGamer, UnFriendly83, Serdis1337, Panoramatix, Sons_Of_Horus, imiaN, Neephington, Bababu, ponury3, TadzkaLT, Vengeur_Masque, Taika_Apina, sneakysmoka, Kolaski, kees1984, classique, F4AKU, BahamutDragon, Mehrunes_Dagon, Dahui, Beanmunkey, pinio56, Alanon44, Runciter, MALLORCABOMBER, LiethKynes, Tsun, Bellem, Tom6mm, Vigiliance, WachsamerFalke, PitbullSK, kot5100, ZlySkrzat, Droogindekakker1, Zbrojmistrz, bajzel1970, Ranger214, Vectis, Xanthos117, Cpt_Over, stumppi27, Spaceman, halelujax, CrusHer01, Quakemup, NobodyIsPerfect_, nobange, Grillopan, Sirrurg, Harleyvrod, sag77, GottfriedH, Jiricek, quasero, haaska, Mirland, MrRipper, Masyw, andrzejwoj, kucapaca21, KrawawyTATA, MdmaBeret, TANK_0000001, EineBratwurstBitte, ferreirasta, Dalice66, jenad2, allufewig, mpg99, BuLLIeHKa, xCIDx, Teknico, dazxd, reini77, GLatus, karmakoma, lordford666, Jaracz1, PeskyTankzorpewpew, Roxxelina, Jyrmo, skrebec, Neckros, Aido, paulcorfield, Allach, ASPmac, chorvacki, smite666, szop45, grangusek, sharlash, zMyProSkills, stephankozocsa, Roscoff, ac22, Adolgniewomir, goml13, Maka967, MrPingwinq, Bear1_Grylls, Ser_Ulrih, blacha11, CrazzyJanko, CZEJames, cohortaa


Fighter (Tiers V to VIII)


Every player on the list will be rewarded with 2,000.

Gartchynsky, Guan_Yu, BUBU68, skag1, Ritomester, Xham, Kangal, Dyaebl, Rudik, _Spawn_, galeonik, Medikjis, KHORNE666, peterbenzin, Atlone, MINOTAVR11, Schrotti60, joozinek, Kehim, Mirguel, z0mbil, mati123pl, Hieronim_Berbelek, subiceman, Metrack, ReZgaaR, barlevski, Iwan1985, Artafenes, DC_BC, Nagymadar, Korez_Lama_CZE, jungaFuchs, francfort, BansheeX, kUk0, Dr_KleX, Toerby, DominikWrobel, tankisheer, W0Z, OtonomAktor, damocron, GeneralFoch, Altsas, Henko, Cliff_Hanger, titan100, wladek312, PIMPTANK, Yorro, BrakPociskow, vvikingo, PrivatePinguin, nesharm, papouuu, Jaho111979, JAPANKRAL, barglauk, Chransx3, slayer1122, Archlord77, pret0r, Hupfal, Cro_Panzer_HVO, Spin1_2, ParEx, meteozgan, Staineer, cdmarker11, Rlox, cyberchief, onnyad, arest1977, Fantaziolo, Gott_will_es, aut_sbg, otto217, Overdrawn, XxAl3xX, PatrykPL4, ortega456, pixarart, GrafvonSimmering, Hezeri, Naasi, FirebirdHUN, Tymatz, Skorzeny89, Raikins333, scane89, ertrzyiks, Tursoke, Genko, herosoldier, steliosgr, Oniichar, adamek586, Fuinotto, Daniel1993k, Isinalle, Wojtek__PL, MatiROZPRUWACZ, kacpyrekPL, Bluzabian, Sperr, Aphrodesis, RCL_spd, Mathof, deville131, Lagor_pl, Avel89, Death_Killer1000, techno_4ever, tressor, Das_Walross, Steel_Reign, charam, marekwitka, Beblas_PL, pkojak, wigo2005, Mek0ng_Delta, PROADI15_ABRAMS, EpicMan00, fajfka, muros, adiro, FrozenDy, Geraj, PavlitoX, raidems, Cpunek333, MotorsagMassacre, 1BOB72, epits1004, __V__, Zyszek, Mondors, Ipetys, Manuel1324, D0vahkiin, Xanthos117, Crazypanter, Cobralione, Ealien_, atom11, fekogler_1, Redez, niepozorny, BarikeLa, skag1, WildBilis, broodwarlife, Tirtaingire, imperiumgraecum, amj82, Hyckelholk, ugl, prochybikeCZ, KofiCZ, MK36, play_001, dukla23, jerome117, maxsimuzz, DrZ0idber9, hikai, Icki, Haubitze19, Bukshiik, dodeknet, Element_des_Terrors, Insidios, Yrmy, Piranha77, korgor, shoarec, J1mb0, jamnik97, 0covan, Wolnomysz, Dreadurn, marmot8000, pikus48, dainiu1975, HolyGunner, Cassidy20, nasix, sofiPL, Leonixis, fotinoslu, sumatrraa, Razzputin696, Grix1920, wiktorg1945, Hakeswill, czombrje, Bestrox, ZoroCZ, xawery, sashafrp, Lieutenant_Gruber_01, panz3r77, grzegora, Fenix89, Hotwired, mukaa92, KiNeTiX, ZDF, Tarsier, muody21, chusko, Schachmat86, Eddaj, cz192235, gohu76, TripleXxX94, Seviren, krokodyld, Sniper27, Kasperov, zuttzu, kettenfan, Pug_306_S16, Ramjali123, rudymaster, K3NnnY, GrDffs, gregory2307, lazarpbp, Bennek, Harrelson, crvenikmer, Snip_, alus05l, JANiTOM, Captain_Berlin, Timppa_vaan, Piranha77, Lukas_2421, jonbov, athom77, pazze, Kurtizana, Tomcatciller, herodes111, Haker118, Besni_Orlando, Ivan_Draco, jonvencemulas, 3volut1on, dariuks1, Bajtalka89, jabol010, Fonske009, giez, caminheiros, Boier, pukish, tomekluz, Hanz123456, KeCsKe_a_PUDING, Humbart, FonTank, Tyyne, BACIL, Dadyn, Zorbiitti, BumBumForces, piter1925, RussianGranpa, thehorni, wulf28, JoySticK09, 1_WallkeR_1, Nosebiter, Wett, Despotis, CzystaSmierc90, cpt_Bertorelli, afgan007, Pawl0, thomas12323, Hellacopteri, Tsunamus, Mrakar, Winice, Baniro, MHVADER, Alkazon, niado, Baelon, Polaroth, PetrCZ, DontMakeMeAngry, LandserSK, LightkexHUN, zuru1996, Shulc, Snick87, Prebzi85, krycha19920, DeiGsicht, hybaa, MarescialloTito, Dollar91, ReggieHUN, DanyGoo, ozzi147, mmaastteerr, n4novip3r, lisek1991, HaenSeN, yadrobot, tracy, LoTM, Caterpill, darosm1, GorillaUnit, Wilhelm_89, saapas, GeZZu, KapaMantel, belkov, nobl, kalbus, Hawk35, Rockdogz, playgame, Strv, Xenotaku, Chesnut, goml13, haker12, Pripero, banas, Gnommig, Gaav, Aomis, FeldwebelMenke, pawwoz_PL, Wikiz, Delicios, kmb, pfplopes, Runciter, MajorSharpe, Mankossak, WIELKIcud, peregeg, Immanio, vena90, vvetnes, OneDeadSquirrel, ProMyq, coldshodan, jangothejack, csomi2409, Harrald, Josef_Struppe, mchylin, Bond007, Fedaykin89, kempniak, ruostekasa, molevision, De_Plunkett, HighwayKillah, MaszktalanHarcos, feroduron, Patoryk, martincho159, justJenkins, MadDogCz, Shiro_utsuri, The3akTrain, karrlos, lukasz7841, oef3, maikxd123, Rzeszowiak25, Dibbles, Metukka, LeiFeng, kocur79, Ixah, tigre950, marten724, Dr_Nefario, McLaren_Boy, smulis, Stormin_Ray, 4nihil4tor, Dux_Domagoj, Y0H0, Jippo86, Todesengel1, Diesietnik, charlesfineartphoto, rancidpunk, CroustibatFR, Apus87, Spocky86, 110_PZ_Division, ondy, daawwii, the_ace_of_spades, FerdiX, troppia, Tonyno284, henryk821, mirec444, ktosiek, Geteder, MrXplod, corsete, Liads, T72M3, uragan1987, Hubanl, bShadow, Hannibool, LomO_77, Nightmare102, Dragan_Jugovic, qlack, frigo70, Arbiter951, Prince_Brave, Ali3nAr3s, xxCaRLoSxx, rosu_lucian, malyrabbit, Kdt_Wolf, TheCrawler, eweq342, Ullemulle, VAR, Paliwiak, grenndel202, jhonyyyrom, maco2, Jachpadach, adamekpl_wp, pistike91, Chemokartoffel, dejder, viggenras, supertank1998, diegho, QuiQueg, c0mmander112, Sprengstoff, daxdax, voldis7, MuryCZE, lewwwy, ChronoMM, Matteghizzo, kung_fu_tank, M0nst3rS, BackfirePL, GrinningDemon, Ragnar90, PeNeTrAtOrX, Deadguywalkn, Raphalle, Tiwz, sokrates_, GooffyRamone, Subsentinel, konopnik71, saddi, kamm, Mad112, Heavykool1, Masuras, Calliman123, Andemoar, Skythen, DOVahKiiN5, muntafuner, TERRORGNOM69, Mugen_FTW, maratus, WimM, KamilekMotylek, JeanScorpion, Mateor11, raili459, Gooobs, Humini, crysis1212, julienchapka, vykend, Clady, Avatarius24, Tarmi_Ricmi, lodenblau, hwk_exe, siwymarcin, kunderez, donkey_kongqueror, adamus11, __AJAX__, Harpagan126, Maramara, andrez3d, Dzonis13, Flaterfoon, charles89, Arwaut, shart1979, przewid, tankistaMarc, Alfa_TR, Peeeeer, MATEUSZ12344321, MotornaPila, koupilsemto, armiturk, Uchiha, Omedus84, tosikko, szafa9821, ANGEL_VICTORY, ludi007, daroczolgpl, Firef0x, Ucitelj, Ventanus, pitkinas, Peter_1st, danicekiller, ckyino, DEME80, Batadorn, LeGouzy, KKRP, zatus1, Ritter_der_Kokosnuss, Ruairi, Strafe, maverick6, Proofer, kowe74, hejtysmrade, jurij96, Spikesooty, andrik1996, Mek0ng_Delta, apache22, Nikolaj_SRB, P3tsku, soldiers1984, pavel01, firetube, Major_Stahlhagel, Hopeinen, Yaw, Zadakeil, olszes, kuul222, Nemunekoko, Darkon89pl, SiegfriedGR, Hellgar, vonGreiff, NPC0742, HAWK_HUCHIPK, HammeriEX, KajusBonus, EvilKlaus, HellDiv3r, Karonball, moppelmurks, Ntl, honigwein, pETARV_, capnoob, GallantHeart, Dawson15cz, theangrybadger, PrinzKoKo, TheDead93, kodak_PL, Preussenhead, Maion_Xu, mitos4, RevenHeart, Meyobi, mamoobiad, PopKhorne, Zebro, Whitevampire, Realest, mienki, vladamaca, Snipus, Fineta, SinPhi, TauPandur, ramzes1409, Poekelkanone7000, KicsiZee, Plintusas6, Jaffaker, kbanev, Pyzmen, Ceyban, tingle, BadBoy010, Sp4de, Lieutenant_Gruber_01, VonRed71, Ertus, Maxx73, Andrucha1, Perokebla, constantine3, Josey_Wales, Mana1989, thronos, caran, dolcien, jogvan1012, s3q1297, Mnich811, Bad0ne, fall0bst, koczikondo, vojtas111, DOOMinik, Canko, gordon222, Krzpod, TBH_Fireflyer, schappi1, The_Swede_Lars, TT_Caldomir, SuperTanks, sgtprobe, Daedrothis, mati99w, Beto3, zaaq666, dami3107, kisiel18pl, Corpsegrinder79, Seuchenopfer, RageAgainstTheMashine, Kornett, TRUMNAGOTOWA1, siewczenko, cilez, nikoli3, zmaj18, NGAM, tyly, FarrellSven, HgTobsen, removed, mjoork, FlYeRoNe, wiwawuzel, TTP505, Titanmeister, deivas, _Johny_, Deceiver, Moliver2001, Gramm, Never_Mind_the_Bollocks, VAPA, Valmon, AldiCola, maedden, dariuks1, Hondamies, Arzi_89, OGM29, sas232, Charios, STO_LTE__BG_, Baspen, Dawn512, PaladinPL, realbad, FuzzyGizmo, Ronin123, Zabrak, odzio, _Chimaera_, PzGrenOffz, BuTaMuH, BeeSEs, nepot, karqreloaded, Pulser, Cockster, cek0, zerosumgame, neles92, _INSIDER_, Kimashi, Infineon, Palantyre, just4fun49, Norf, Senfei, Cikiriz, hNNNGH, Teuton1c, kstoff, Witodriel, Bol00, adrpal921, Rawling1, szuru, NefertumCz, Lupsonic, xxed94xx, LRRPsVetsJoeToye, Veljko_0, Zuchtmeista, R3active, Koan_Neuer_2011, Sapher911, 2Sha, Oversid, webster29, ma777, snipertogo, pawels76, o3x, Klingerhoffen, Syno_Nym, Asasioun, afkSheldor, Boldavio, grzegorz5444, Kopfsalat1991, DarkHeritage, dawid0074pl, Hubert001, Yakkuru, Hogras, Bomber93, gerwaz, Arila_Kuma, oxerraxo, _Agriel_, mitko77, razorciulpiakolduna, SuperOlsson, jelida, kallja, NiebieskiBaron, RandomNumbers, aldaZA, xXxMotyleKxXx, xKozaa, MiniTSkarn, DARKWATES, Kubix1, Corangar, Equedeus_, Dokurobej, Wiesenberger, vitaliuk29, Zulugula123, TIk, Dardraco, _HAGGI_, Mojarra, RoObaK963, MasterCry, Aimo, ByMyslef, Roman_Kindl, SLEPECKI, Piotrekrek2012, Malarg, papacarsten, HonzikBramburg, Rebeli, EarthquakersEmoKiller, SoldierKourtis, Joci017, St3ph910412, robert86bernau, Drzesiek, Usturakemal, XTOMI74, Gabe82, DropShip, jugo85, Firestarter80, TomiF, brandeins, Fonske009, Nia3, Bluse_ohne_Knoepfe, Ujjno, Sturer_Emil, Capricorn, Marlboras, Butcher1982, witty42, StevenNiszczyciel, Frewille, azardeuhix, Dahui, birdflu, Ruler1983, Qian33, doniko287, JimmyTheGinger, 74nicam, Ajax313, dandulos, Energizer96, lary76, Afsati, xogonx, Ravio, EvendurDundragon, Albr4x, Roope, pancernyLISU, lazydot, ThePaleRider, FRIESE, ZASE, globusik101, _Bumble_Bee_, kowadlo, MattiXs, cookiemonster66, xlegodroit, BOSSpl, sackad, bencemag, Miroslav, HiroyoshiNishizawa, tedi1001, LTBiesas, magnuskaesar, Psychol10, biggpete, OstapBender, Asmodeon, schrenz, thunder756, Jinete_Nocturno, Bilsik, Altgold, Dahui, _ViliusV_, somarrose, M_C_A, klemppu, Hanescz, Screamer99, DeLL1GhT, Albr4x, bauda, Nordkrieger20V, Qpredrags, Akito, Blasty, Yankees1995, Yuni_82, Fowley, Kalgharounet, guciak266, Bender811, protein85, fajniebylo, genosse, ben17, Takua, tjj76, Apofysz, Jacek626PL, Tiat, Pri4y, BartWiksa, StephS, BlackHoleSun, delta79, skullptura, Warmax, daugeon, Markoslaw78, zeuskla, Den_Blinde_Fasan, goti36, Enemy_Mine, Don_Faraon, Jakub98_CZ_, skrnavi, HardstyleSIM, Belokkan, Edici, orcaeva, Aladar77, AhnePaska, esztfke, charizard1, sharpneli, alexfyxodef, NW_Colt, Szato89, Tyyne, Yppsn, Groovling, Treezax, Roflstomp, skyluk79, llVIU, Vendetta75, Fernkampf, pgwolle, AdmannSackberger, martynask_2nd, DEMONCLAW00, Peereh, TheAzorgPL, Shrift, Krumelchen, MaksimusXO, Joe85, Cyberbob_Gunny, raubritter22, Bida2, plutonium, deen_VAddern, Tinator, germantigers, Sir_Make, Dilajka, masterchief27031, TheHisarian, multimax007, conival, spudekkeli, Viv4LaVid4, Deitch, MiBi83, Pyr6evica, Finerto, lindeman, edelstone, Ethesta, h0wad0bel0, Gqt0r, aruniuniu, cobra_tueur, simianbenzoate, kagiri, Butters4ever, Avirtus, CareBear, wurdalak, czviper, ofxx, PolhooJawabalu, TonyOneBlairoby, swiyc, Antenijus, sady3296, TheMuffinPirate, Vonskee, Obokan, DanishDevilFTWxD, Rangiku, OggyN4tor, trroja, linkylink, DvG_Steinbeisser, Rat_Cat_5, 19h0mer83, _BORG_, zaba767676, Silberyoshi, NestoSVK, Clawdius, Aratar, Bartulf, Eskalation, Tadzka_LT, Rockettbj, Ealien_, smugiukas, pese_ks, JustisWoW, Sc0rp, Marco1105, Markos85, atElmo, angiomio, darbeder, mitko1, Hop_Sing, XKillmannX, svensson12dk, ddani, MrPocisk102, tsunamii, Rezyser102, Apus87, Destroyer1317, Jinjai, Sanchoo, kuul222, czviper, albi2123, eLPresidentePL, Knezlar, Noomac, H311fi5h, agl1648, SamidX, maremel, YouAreBleeding, JejKey, Strandkorb_Norbert, hegemon500, Zaym1n, Teirun, Alienx22, adrian6004, Zolexx, Uncrow, TibiTomi, Alcospark, Dandyz, DieZe, HerrKraft, Jace2k, Kalhan, HaiDo, Fumke, 16F877, koeroe, UniKs_DieuxXxXXxx, darder123, Belzebueb666, LGW, Kraken1950, GooGeL, Thor354, Innocuous, NieMamPancerza, Noctes, Gorkamorka07, KakeOsen, foxfix, Beanmunkey, sady3296, BiBBert, bogmans, Tio_Oleg, Vizzerdrix, Taresmis, Zeshin, advokatbohu, At_Strasnomlat, HelHammer, stolar85, bjorn_, Cicely, roctir, lordanarchus, rooiekiller, Simmi777, T00M52, MrBlaaaxz, quarz24, Zdendas79, Talee, sudoru, Niklas168, Andrzej1116, Djolus, Baine, M4A1, TryberPL, Minikrazza, Maluaxe, vODkjha, Yemon, Posti91, ARGHtti, Liebowitz, Luzak, GS_Guderian, Pallonuppi, Narama, TankTom2, Masenghini, skorpion6657, TitaniumTi, stasapl, BoToX94, BalaurCu7Capete, raptor6699, Kamhal


Warrior (Tiers IX and X)


Every player on the list will be rewarded with 3,000.

IVI3DYK, cortello, artanis1, Qba_DOA, KiNeTiX, EuNooS, mun60s, Teremsi, Dyaebl, Spiff13, Object313, zzlzxzzlzx, Izk, crytek, ANBREIT, kapinno, FReeSTYLERR, Gogyboy, svemirko, xman, Duck_of_Doom, Pertaseth, PL2011, Chisa, LeGouzy, Bragarth, Kaear, Perkale, Spartanrulez, Ostravak_CZ, liba67, PsychoBS, Chilton, Schweigsamm, _psychol_, ColumbusCRO, juku2308, czerwiona, m4st3r, Kellypl, Decembre, Przemas1, Schachti, ChaosD, Hagriff, bojan90333, thevisi, Redzozo72, Warri_cz, thalency, ballerek, Eversti_Sandels, Gorzki, bmf2, Shau, hansmamaz, ZeTa_sh, djalminha, ZiggyMoonshine, SuiGen, Lidelse, mtcnight, BuRzaas, Mitaka85, 5trolch, EchoEins, M203, portuguese007, lokatus, marty_vole, tiritas, eTaNoLvp, suneger2, inhuman82, Salamandr, FCKONYASPOR, KeijoKanki, stox1991, XxFam0usxX, 5TRYJEK, gentaco, Zerbrecher1985, RadziullO, gothamcity, Rudy_I02, cafito, meistergold, Sadex, lisek70, Akki90, Yzne, jodgi, babymonkey, compot, Ravenrock, Hihisni, Eul, turvennuija, kilerDavis, Chironino, Gubylajos, TT_33, T0pCa7, Salixis, Zabijak74, SvettigaKorva, bigbaboon, Hicks69, Dusko_Vidic, Krajan1, Baranina, zivco009, Vietejais, bellion90, Dionek, Mykel, Hohumm4sh3d, Nakir, K4VR, Noctul81, Merphi, Quicksilver291, MrCheek, Makapaka2, DrDemento, mooger, The_DLH, ofjazzy3, AnDreJOO2, Mayyyyk, zagrov1, aginor613, Rodzyn, korpakukac, armatomenos, bragiberserker, DoktorZerg, BiichuPL, hrQ, konnan007, zetono, 3milo, Ra5t0, ryhu77, Majsterek7, lukslonik, spente, kajmaan, summsee, BZZID777, druzbike, FulliMcGee, FBIHun, Erf_the_Prof, fffnord, Paranienoidalny, Red_Gold, piotrblusiewicz, rhyzZz, akos1991, seselis, candy258, AdamIDiS, HYTT, Hawx22, bosnamani, Zupa666, jkparsons, Kcycio, Dominator, Shadowman521, gxl395700302, Deadme4t, Brathuhn, DimReaper, Seraph97, Klaus_von_Adi, Ashaar, csabiee78, nocnysiekacz, Fraisouille, FipoPT, Freddiex95, Sheepmaster_2, Komh, KillerPlautze_, Buble615, laachta, panciox, Fhal, desertstorm81, Xineohp, davidb, jeffkillsyoutoo, adam2011012345, Pevec_OKC, PekY, maxfear99, Radek_Z, LtComL00gie, vitus111, WeTrA, UnitedTerror, Gnurmel, FreakaMan, janosik300, Clawdius, caro0, Amzid1, Byz, Berk, Bender64, midorini, uzzus, PanZjem, Agonise, Divvy, popah, Azeldoh, Diab0lic, Preda, Predator_AZE, Rothchild, VitmanLT, kunderez, DYABLO_BV, DYABLO_BV, PaterBrown, Punkhunter, Flitzz, SzocsA, beeper, wrrrDanik, PeerChamp, Hanibaal, Beefalo, raffa123, kursk6, Ireon01, spaidie, HaiDo, snuf3r, Marley82, Set_ASP, paHo24, psycho063, APOLLOZEUSODINO, Amaterasu_21, sirzorn, Isku, witcher237, thierry82, kiratear, TheBumer, SK0K0, HelHammer, evolve, Taragon87, ____Satanicom____, RAMBO9900, EW1998, 8fad, madjackal, chaoshero, AmaR66, djavoBre, Bykli, Vivec, HO_BO_112, DoDoLpHe, MariosPL, empenor, Drummaniac, Mike_Hammer, Kurvain, Szakal_M, 141st_Phantom, morgan34540, Jahwarrior, Shoot_PL, Nyhon, Shadez, Ew_, JayDe, Trakais, GocekkPL, _Agriel_, kowalpl, zik83, GRANDCHRIS, Pringel, 1461TR, Dinerlo, czerniol, KINTS, kasamarov, TigerNuke, Batrus, zoldak, Your_Ticket_to_Hell, nervooz, natjes, barroco, HateCore23, Ezil, Battledog292, Temeres, Prototype1_pl, venca123, DrVenda, DrFlint, ston, Hoody2003, Goerki, bnd, Codex_Miep, DrFlint, kunyak, knightM, daugeon, Titan3, Vesslan66, MakZu82, syNnaBLe, D3r_K4ltm4cher, kowalmen, Noctul81, FochYou, hasicz, Heinz2k, marchizor, kikimerkat, humun, AggressoR, Pips, wscieklywunsz, 1ndePendaNce, Geralt_z_Rivii, HaiDo, HerrmannderUnwissende, valeszblack, Skabarga, VictorMike, ploppi, Zabrak, xatzis1, Tibster, Shivan, Pecusak, PanzerNuke, norsman, vvVDevastatorVvv, Hariasz, Tapsihapsi_HUN, Omega_Weapon, Atsepicnu, m00n92, AndreLTU, Bezrak, _hate_, Kissi19, skiba_73, cepin21, Phenix_, Bojno1, Dyaebl, ageantti, RoboLivesHere, Sacredfort, Asymptota, miccis, yazui, zastavnik, _Jeger_, bLuTrAuScH_D, Dufik, Sutkus, InDaMix, zajo11, killa1, Graf_Wygowski, Emk1986, Ciba22, SmallGunDK, L0TEC, Tzeentchchaos, Tapy, VelMicek, Ceyban, RagnarLothbrok, paniczpatryk, Bullseye1945, Hans_Dieter_1234, Asmodeusvnm, 200maciek, algocalmin, bob_of_steel, OziiH, Mujah, Dragan_Jugovic, k0rm0ran, Smaugi, lolo301971, Kropp, Commandosk, totonet, Diamond_Dog, KillValli, Viktormax, grishagreg, HEKTOR2001, JFL, bellion90, Fluke_, lenox54, butcherr, hankspankduh, rattatuj, sanycha123, xerxes80, jerez1985, orionpc, EremZiom, NesseR, Fyyheri, erutrotti, vemeta, Dino_92, Tplpeters, zekanovic, Luuttu, Dres77, G4ME_0VER, programista78, Falafel, Lektor72, Fowley, TheRock4096, jelida, Endriu_44

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