Kill the Courier: The latest winners

Another Kill the Courier event has taken place on the World of Tanks battlefields. We hope you enjoyed it and had great fun while destroying our couriers_WG. Now it's time for you to be rewarded for all your hard job!

The gold was credited on the winners account yesterday. All the players listed below woke up this morning with an extra 250 gold.

Winners of Kill the Courier
1Blady garioki matscher Simon7109
369th_DEAD geekhar mercuryo Skorochod
adagad giedriusko michal19991122 solrivanoli
agrypina greenberet01 MiraDecin superfigaro
armondis gumbi3 Misuk SVAT
aron75 Guziel Montikill TakiyeKorpius
Baracka Gvozdika mupsi The_Andyman
BEFOMET hampe666 neutron theChieffkorppi
BeQuick herosoldier niko1977 tigerPro
Bigon hobbest_ Pfanne Tobiasboy231
Bloodysheep01 Holy_Inquisitor Playraider torstenMKLXX
BoeseBueb Hornedmordor Pospechbuh Trabucco
Charlemagne59 Huargo666 PPP777 tutuk
Charon_666 Ignatzius pr0z tysm
CisarT IIPanzerKillerII ProDefect ulthien
Cobanac impact95 Provencal wiseman007
Darel_PL JB1969 Quantius wsartur
darkjojo juby87 radeon77PL Wunti
Demonikoira Kik0ri  razierster xGBCxViiVii
DiePatin Kingrudi regclener xxx999
Dodos kokolorus Relaksi Zammu
drakobyjec konrad1234567890 Revenger zbodik_SVK
DrHyde LemmyC sepp007 zeuslippe
em_si LwSich seppelchen ZZZabioreCiButy
Enki77 Marduk_ sgt_Rogal  
Essahdioux Maresal shadowman25  
ford14 Maronno sima721  

And special congrats to 1Blady, CisarT and Kik0ri for their double achievement! They both won 500 gold each!

Congratulations commanders!

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