Kill the Courier: anniversary edition winners

The anniversary Kill the Courier event has taken place on the World of Tanks battlefields. We hope you enjoyed it and had great fun while destroying our couriers_WG. Now it's time for you to be rewarded for all your hard job! The rewards were doubled this weekend!

The gold was credited on the winners account yesterday. All the players listed below woke up this morning with an extra 500 gold

Winners of Kill the Courier
669bbq fotini384 nxpatton Sytrex1990
Aniv gottamare Nybonds Thorwar
Asmodii greg7307 oOAliVeOo tiller
baranek111112 HazyPro oOoSONYoOo tms68
blazejson1 Kakttts paddy67 toporny
bob3r Kekozol panzerrudy Tycoonramses
buki_srb kiekeboe Physx123 vanDoo
caracatus KodrutZ polgaza VenoM95
charls111 Koksu111 psapsa VMiki
ChrisDel krwiopij Redswift warjatus
damianpancerniak Locar SH0WTIM3 XtreamNor
daniel4ro Lord_Arni Shrapnelson xxxHELMUTxxx
darkeelf Maniac314 Sihoad xxxSpikexxx
dentp1 martin99000 SoldieR_ Yannisgangster
Doncasi MORMON_PL SteppinRazor zoor
falagor NabitaLufa Stumpy1337  
Fangio1 NeriuxXx SummerC  
Fauglon niedowlad Survived  

Honorable mentions: Asmodii, Fangio1, KodrutZ, oOoSONYoOo, who won 1000 gold each.

Congratulations commanders!

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