gamescom 2017: Action Heroes Wanted!


There’s an action hero within us all. During your stay at our booth, you'll not only have the chance to playtest our games or take part in our stage activities, but also to become an action star. Stop by our dedicated World of Tanks Action Star studio (on the right side of the booth) and shoot your own World of Tanks epic video starring Tankbassador Dolph Lundgren...  and you! You can share the battle of the century with family, friends, and fellow commanders, right on-site!

We will create a customized video gift just for you, so not only will you be starring in the video yourself, but your account data (like username and amount of battles) will be immortalized as well for bragging rights.

Also, don’t miss the opportunity to win prizes for sharing your action trailer.


Don't miss your chance!

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